Last update 7.7.2019 | First published 20.5.2004 | €1 = NOK9.00
The speed limits are among Europe’s lowest, while the reactions are certainly Europe’s toughest. Motor roads with two lanes (Class A) may have a max speed of 110 km/h. The rest have a max speed of 90km/h or 100km/h.
The common speed limits outside urban areas are 60, 70 or 80 km/h.
0.2‰ | €944 | €184 | €756 | €756 |
Important numbers : | ||||||||
Limit – km/h | 30 | 50 | 70 | 80 | 90 | 90 | 100 | 110 |
Fine +21km/h | €944 | €944 | €711 | €711 | €711 | €711 | €711 | €711 |
Fine +41km/h | – | – | – | – | – | €1183 | €1183 | €1183 |
LICENSE(1 | 56 | 76 | 106 | 116 | 126 | 131 | 141 | 151 |
JAIL(2 | 76 | 96 | 125 | 136 | 150 | 150 | 165 | 175 |
1) 3 months – 3 years 2) unconditional, minimum 18 days |
The controls are everywhere, they are done by both radar, laser, and civilian cars (lots of). The civilian cars are next to impossible to spot: They never sport double rear-view mirrors as in other European countries.
Radar-jammers, laser-jammers and detectors are, of course, strictly forbidden.
150 km/h on a motor road under perfect conditions is enough to land you in jail for at least 18 days – unconditionally.
And remember that any license witdrawal is not subject to any court order as in most other places. The police may even take your license on the spot (you have to leave your car by the road) for 14 days if they only suspect that you have committed a crime that might lead to license withdrawal.
Member of the European cross-country fine cooperation. Any traffic fine may arrive at your home address.
Fines may automatically be shared between Austria, Chech Republic, Cyprus, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, Netherlands, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden and United Kingdom.
Limit | Corrected |
30 km/h | 33 km/h |
50 km/h | 53 km/h |
80 km/h | 83 km/h |
100 km/h | 103 km/h |
110 km/h | 114 km/h |
To the right are the rules for fixed speed cameras.
On roads with a speed limit up to 100 km/h, the drivers can be fined when they drive more than 3 km/h over the limit. On roads with speed limits of 100 km/h or more, the margin of error is 3%.
If you are lucky, police may apply a tolerance of 5–10 km/h, and up to 20–25 km/h on motorways – but only when driving conditions are favourable.The good news is that you will find no speed cameras where the speed limit is above 80 km/h.
For other types of measurement other rules apply. If you get measured by a following police car you will only get a safety margin of 20 meters. Which is very low and breaks with any accepted rule of safe measurements. I once tried to have a serious dialogue with the Norwegian authorities about this. In vain …
Thanks to Ørjan Torheim in Bergens Tidende for more info on this (in Norwegian, 2017).
Of course, we all know that this is an incredibly stupid rule. In Norway, the rule is strictly enforced and will leave with a fine of NOK 5200 (€630) and no license for between 9 and 12 months.
If you drive on a road which is not explicitly marked with right of way, you must always stop for traffic which arrives from your right. This rule is strictly enforced and applies even if you are driving on a major road and the traffic from your right is on a minor road.
Wikipedia has more on this.
Why is this rule strictly enforced in Norway?
German Wikipedia has the history of this rule:
It originated with the Vikings and their ships and how the rudder was placed because the Vikings, then as now, are mostly right-handed …
Year | City | Country |
1912 | 15 km/h | 35 km/h |
1926 | 25 km/h | 35 km/h |
1935 | 35 km/h | 60 km/h |
1955 | 40 km/h | 70 km/h |
1965 | 50 km/h | 80 km/h |
Source: Wikipedia – Fartsgrenser i Norge (in Norwegian)
Norway differs from most other countries due to the fact that Norway already in 1912 set a maximum speed limit and then, gradually, increased the limits. Other countries started with unlimited speed and later set limits and then gradually lowered them from the seventies and onwards. Here are the common speed limits in Norway from 1912 until today.
Welcome to Norway, the winner of the Burger Prize!
Norway in Detail : | ||||
€1 = NOK9.00 | Violation | Fine (NOK) | Fine (Euro) | Points |
+ 1-5 km/h | 800 | 89 | 0 | |
60 km/h and lower | + 6-10 km/h | 2 100 | 233 | 0 |
+ 11-15 km/h | 3 800 | 422 | 2 | |
+ 16-20 km/h | 5 500 | 611 | 3 | |
+ 21-25 km/h | 8 500 | 944 | 3 | |
LICENSE | + 26 km/h and more | Heavy fine | – | |
Community work(2 highest number for limit 60 |
+ 42 km/h + 50 km/h |
Minimum 30 hours | – | |
JAIL highest number for limit 60 |
+ 46 km/h + 55km/h |
Minimum 18 days | – | |
+ 1-5 km/h | 800 | 89 | 0 | |
70 km/h and higher | + 6-10 km/h | 2 100 | 233 | 0 |
+ 11-15 km/h | 3 400 | 378 | 0 | |
+ 16-20 km/h | 4 700 | 522 | 2 | |
+ 21-25 km/h | 6 400 | 711 | 3 | |
+ 26-30 km/h | 8 500 | 944 | 3 | |
+ 31-35 km/h | 10 200 | 1133 | 3 | |
90 km/h and higher | + 36-40 km/h | 10 650 | 1183 | 3 |
LICENSE(1 highest number = Motorway Class A |
+ 36 km/h and more + 41 km/h and more |
Heavy fine | – | |
Community work(2 highest number for limit 100+ |
+ 50 km/h + 55 km/h |
Minimum 30 hours | – | |
JAIL highest number for limit 100+ |
+ 55 km/h +65 km/h |
Minimum 18 days | – | |
1) the lowest number is for “motorway” Class B (single lanes, no crossing traffic), the highest for motorway Class A (double lanes) 2) In 2007 it became practice to sentence the guilty to community work when the speed just surpassed the old limits. This means that you serve anything between 30 and 420 hours in unpaid work that is deemed good for society. Official source: Lovdata: Forskrift om forenklet forelegg i vegtrafikksaker. (Norwegian only) For the official rules on license withdrawals, see Lovdata: Forskrift om tap av retten til å føre motorvogn (Norwegian only). Values in Euro are approximate. |
In Norway you start with zero points and lose your license for six months when you have accumulated eight points in the last three years. When you get your license back you start with 0 points.
In addition to the speeding offences above, these offences will reward you with three points:
- Driving on a red light
- Dangerous overtaking
- Jumping a ‘give way’ or ‘stop’ sign, not giving way for traffic from your right, not stopping for pedestrians crossing/or trying to cross a pedestrian crossing
- Crossing a solid or double-solid line
- Driving with a too small distance to the vehicle in front of you
- Driving with a trimmed motorcycle or moped
- Failure to secure passengers under the age of 15
The official rules on Norwegian points (Norwegian only).

New, however, was my experience in 2012 : I found that Norwegian traffic police have for more than thirty years, despite warnings, used a method of speed measurement that has made thousands of innocent drivers lose their license and put some of them to jail – or pay a too high fine.
Read more on this in my blog.
13.01.2025 @ 11:32
Does anyone know if license plate covers or reflective spray that blocks speed cameras from reading the plate are illegal or not in Norway and anyone know the part of the law on lovdata? Takk
27.08.2022 @ 23:40
I travelled from Sweden to Norway last June and got a speeding fine. At that moment I wasn’t carrying my driving license either but the policeman was extremely kind and didn’t give me a fine for that. A couple of weeks later I received the fine but there’s no ID or driving license number, just my name and date of birth. So the eternal question… should I pay it? I’m worried because I guessed there’s a really good connection between Swedish-Norwegian administrations plus I’m Spanish and might be easier to reach me since it’s not a regular Swedish name
23.12.2023 @ 10:26
Yes. Pay it. If you don’t pay the fine, chances are the fine will increase and harsher penalties may apply.
22.08.2022 @ 12:48
Could a knowledgeable person explain the agreement for speeding fine collection, if any, between Norway and U.K.
Thank you in advance.
14.08.2022 @ 00:28
I live in Sweden and was visiting Norway in June 2022. I got stopped by police for doing 96 in a 80 Kms road. I was told that the I’ll get the ticket via mail. Now it’s mid of August and I’ve still not received any speeding ticket in my mail. Now I am wondering why there is such a delay. What if they posted and the ticket never landed in my mail. What shall i do in this case?
03.08.2022 @ 17:46
I recently been to Norway and did about 3000 km with a rental car, no highway only national/european road,
For the most part I obeyed the speed (especially in habitable zones), but I must say, driving below the limits behind a bus, no overtaking might be more dangerous than driving +10 – 20 km/h above the limit, I almost fell asleep behind the wheel because of how boring that was, so I decided to drive a bit faster and maybe overtake some of the slower vehicles which immensely helped me regain focus, but I realize that may be with some great cost.
I have a few questions:
– Are speed cameras always marked,
– Do the panels that show you your speed also work as a speed camera?
– Does police use unmarked cars to measure speed, if they measure you are speeding do they go after you or just send you the fine?
10.08.2022 @ 21:03
– Are speed cameras always marked ,: Yes
– Do the panels that show you your speed also work as a speed camera? : No
– Does police use unmarked cars to measure speed, if they measure you are speeding do they go after you or just send you the fine? : They go after you.
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06.06.2022 @ 17:44
I can guess why speeding fines are so strict in Norway. The roads are very curvy & the weather dangerous. I admit I drive very fast using an advanced radar/laser detection system. I don’t drive fast unless I really need to but my radar detection equipment alerts me to police presence long before they see me. In Virginia, Connecticut, & DC, radar detection systems are against state law. I typically drive around 134 km to 144 km per hour (85-90 miles/hour) on the interstates.
09.02.2023 @ 19:59
The Norwegian police stopped using radar in the 80s. They only use laser (TraffiPatrol XR, which is about to be replaced by “speedcam” – which is also a laser). So a radar jammer will not work here.
22.05.2022 @ 18:00
Speeding ticket values are higher now in 2022 and the NOK to Euro value should probably be changed to 10.
Using a phone while driving is also the same as driving a red light or illegal overtaking, 7450 NOK. Even the current listed €184 is far to low as the previous ticket was 5000 NOK which would be around €480. You also get 3 points for this now.
Not adhering to yield rules/signs will give 3 points, and 7450 NOK.
Crossing yellow solid lines like painted medians at intersections is 3 points and 4550 NOK.
Wrong use of lights (no blinkers, fog lights in combination with low/high beam) is 2800 NOK.
Failure to secure a person under 15 is 2 points, not 3 as stated.
Non speeding ticket values are in general 7450, 4550, 2800 and 1350 depending on severity.
14.05.2022 @ 18:22
“ If you are lucky, police may apply a tolerance of 5–10 km/h, and up to 20–25 km/h on motorways – but only when driving conditions are favourable”
This can’t be further from the truth. I’m Norwegian, and I can tell you anywhere, and everywhere on our roads if you get measured by laser or a unmarked police car, you will never, ever, get a 20-25 Km/h tolerance. 20-25 is viewed very serious. You will get fined. 100% of the time this has been documented through measurements.
14.05.2022 @ 18:14
The fines for phone-use while driving in Norway has been updates to approximately 700 euro.
I think you should update this.
05.06.2021 @ 15:31
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27.05.2021 @ 23:27
You spelled Czech Republic wrong, maybe you should czech your spelling
25.03.2021 @ 12:30
Hi, does speeding tickets from camera expires? Because I was visiting Norway over 6 months ago and saw a flash but I haven’t heard anyting about it since. So can they still send the speeding ticket or does it expire in some time?
14.01.2021 @ 18:44
Is it common that the speeding ticket comes without the photo taken by automatic camera?
12.01.2021 @ 17:14
Does anyone know if there is a website where you can check if you have any outstanding speeding fines? We have changed address several times since we arrived in Norway and I am worried that I might have a couple from the E16, when I missed the random 60 down to 50 section where they have conveniently placed a camera! How can I check if I was fined? Many thanks!
06.06.2022 @ 17:47
I wouldn’t worry about it. What are they gonna do, send the army after you for a fine? lol
29.06.2022 @ 21:10
In EU they will send fine to dept collectors so you will pay even more.
16.10.2020 @ 00:06
Hi, Does anyone know how long after the violation can Norway send a speeding fine? I from US, travelled to Norway November 2019 and received a traffic violation notice last week. Seems ridiculous to receive any notice after 11months. Not to mention the name was incorrect. Any thoughts?
24.05.2020 @ 09:57
Above, you mention fines are exchanged between several countries. I live in Belgium. Do you mean fines with a Belgian licence plate are not sent to me? In addition, Norway has a lot of the payed bridges and tunnels that cost around 150NOK. Is this the same system with speeding fines?
Read more at: https://www.speedingeurope.com/norway/ – copyright © http://www.speedingeurope.com
17.12.2019 @ 22:55
don’t pay, not necessary if you are a foreigner and not Swedish
19.12.2019 @ 14:34
There are new rules in 2019. They are described on the front page. You should pay.
16.10.2019 @ 13:40
In August 2019 I went on a motorcycle trip through Norway with 4 friends. Unfortunately I got caught speeding near Mosjoen – 150kmh in an 80kmh zone. I was detained immediately and sentenced the next day to 18 days in a High Security Prison. I was also fined 15000 krona. I am also banned from driving in Norway for 19 months – although I am not sure that I will be going back anytime soon. My UK licence has not been returned to me yet. Apparently it has been sent to Swansea.
07.06.2019 @ 12:33
Any apps that advise of speed camera locations?
15.04.2019 @ 22:51
I am from Belarus, got speed ticket in Norway. Which problems can i have if i won’t pay it and got busted again? Will changing driver license number and car plates help me to stay out of problem?
09.04.2019 @ 11:37
Got a fine, but it has been filled out wrong (completely incorrect surname), any chance there is a loophole to avoid paying?
30.01.2019 @ 20:37
About the jail part, I’m Norwegian and was caught at 106 km/h (about 110 before % margins) in a 60 zone, and I officially got 16 days in prison.
But I don’t have to actually serve the time, It works more like a probation (2 years) where if you get caught doing “prisonworthy” speeding again you are likely to actually go to prison.
The fine was about 900 Euro though, paying about 50 each month for 2 years, but if you’re not living in the Nordic countries or intend to visit Norway again in the next years you can safely ignore it.
Personally I think I was going a bit too fast here, I thought it was a 80 zone, missed the sign. 20-30 over is “socially acceptable” when good conditions. The only reason the speed limit was down to 60 was because of a gas station, but it still was on a country road.
22.08.2022 @ 10:12
I recently got a speeding fine in Norway. I was told to drive to the Swedish border and leave the country. I was given a ridiculous amount of misinformation by the Norwegian Police. They refused to provide me any documentation. They told me I had a 3 day permit to drive to the Swedish border, then after a couple minutes I was told I was to drive straight to the Swedish border and had no permit. I eventually got the fine by mail but don’t intend to pay as I disputed the speed. What enforcement applies between U.K. and Norway. I was polite and quiet entire discussion with Police.
24.12.2018 @ 22:43
I want to obey the speed limits when I go to Norway. Are the speed limits well marked everywhere? Or do I have to know when I am in a residential area, an urban road, a rural road, or a major highway?
14.04.2019 @ 13:04
They are well marked but they change all the time.
26.11.2018 @ 10:56
I was in Norway in September for tourism purpose and i was caught speeding at 64 km/hr where as the limit was changing frequently between 50km. The speed limit on that route was frequently changing between 50-60km. Cops were strategically standing at the end of the road that was slopping down. I requested the cop to let me go with a warning as it was my first instance. But he did not budge. Last week i have received invoice to pay 3800KR. I dont think its fair to fine a tourist especially case where i was not overtaking or driving at very high speed.
Should I apply for remission of debt? Please guide me.
07.12.2018 @ 14:51
Welcome to Norway! Just pay 🙂
03.03.2022 @ 15:19
I have a speeding fine more than 5 years ago
Have not paid as I do not understand any of the instruction to make payment as I left the country.
Will that be struck off?
06.06.2022 @ 17:49
Wad it up & throw it in the trash can. What are they going to do to you, send the Marines? Forget about it.
30.10.2018 @ 17:26
Recently, I was driving in a carriage way in the right hand lane and passed the signal while it was green; while passing the intersection I noticed a police car with blue signal (flashing) coming from right (its red for him; but they can pass).. I was not able to stop in the junction (as the light was green) and hence pass the police car in the right (still flashing with blue lights) and proceeded in the right hand lane crossing the junction. The police car then turned to the right and took the left hand land and passed me. It looked simple… is there a traffic offense here. Also my question is whether I should stop my car in the middle of the junction to allow the police car to turn right ? Kindly Let me know
10.09.2019 @ 20:10
Hi, can you be prosecuted by a speed taken by a laser and then stopped further down the road when there is no picture or video evidence?
24.08.2018 @ 13:27
A traffic policeman waived me down and said i had my phone in my hand – which i was using for google maps.
1700KR fine ..
I live in Ireland and had a rental car..
I am willing to pay but i lost the Giro ..
is there a website i can contact ..
the contact us section on this website doesnt seem to allow me to send them a mail, it is only self help
30.08.2018 @ 11:33
It seems you have to call them: https://www.sismo.no/en/pub/information/contact-us-information
20.08.2018 @ 23:51
In 2010 I did my driving license in Romania BE, CE, DE categories and then I settled in Norway. In 2015 I changed my Romanian license to the Norwegian one, and in 2016 my license was suspended when I was cought with manual radar at 01:00 o’clock having 116 km / h on a section of the E39 motorway that goes through Stavanger where it was a sign of 70 km / h So I got over the speed of 46 km / h I was told from Statens Vegvesen that I had to pass all the exams in Norway to reclaim my Norwegian license.
I do not speak Norwegian and to take the CE and DE categories you have to take exams only in Norwegian (In another language you can not) And to do the BE you can take it also in English ( but I do not understand English enough to do theoretical exam on computer) I have 3 questions. 1) It’s normal to take the theoretical and practical exams in Norway because my Norwegian license to suspended for 12 months because I have exceeded the speed of 46 km / h on a highway that runs through a city and where there are no pedestrian or school passages, or any other ‘danger’? Can I appeal against it in Norway or in Romania? 2) Can I recover my Romanian license that I have changed to Norwegian one? 3) If I can not recover my Romanian licence which was changed to a Norwegian licence and suspended in Norway can I take exams in Romania in my Romanian native language to have the Romanian licence? In Romania if you have more then 50 km/h your licence is suspended for 90 days and then given back without you to do any kind of exams.
I am now thinking of giving up Norway.
I want to be allowed again to be able to drive everywhere.
Thanks guy for any answers!
30.08.2018 @ 11:30
I can only answer question #1: Yes it is normal.
And I don’t think you can recover your Romanian license the easy. To take the exams once more in Romania you will have to ask the Romanian authorities.
Good luck!
BTW: Do you have any info or webs on Romanian speeding and traffic rules? Romania is still missing from this web.
12.12.2018 @ 16:26
Hi, myself I would try in Romania. If you cannot handle it in Romania you definitely can do it in Ukraine! (and you don’t need to know anything in Ukrainian ;). Egypt is said to be even easier, but it’s far and the language may be a problem.
Did you realy have to change a Romanian license into a Norwegian one?
Good luck!
23.07.2018 @ 03:05
Hello. Your website is extremely helpful. I am just back from Norway and I got an illegal parking fine of 600 NKR for parking near the Bergen Peak. We parked behind a row of cars and went hiking up till the peak. When we came back 3 hours later all others cars in front of us had disappeared and ours had a parking ticket. This was a rental car. Any advice please? I want to appeal the ticket but the site is in Norwegian and I am struggling. When I try to click on the appeal button it doesnt work. Even if I want to pay the fine, I am clueless on how to pay it. I live in Asia and have no intention of returning to Norway 🙂 I’d really appreciate some help please.
24.01.2019 @ 15:30
Hello. I had the same problem in Tromsö this week. The car rental company said I have to pay 600 NKR parking fine direct to the town parking company. What is happening if I ignore it? How much the increased fine after 15 days? What happened with you at the end? 🙂
28.12.2019 @ 00:21
Hi, how was this case? Did you ultimately pay the fine or just ignore? Did you receive the fine when you return the car to the rental company or receive only when you back home in Asia? Thanks for the information.
20.07.2018 @ 00:39
Hi. What would be fine if police caches you driving after they have taken your license on the spot for speeding?
17.07.2018 @ 22:09
Just got done for 99 in an 80 on my way to Finland. 4700Nok fine. I am from the UK. The fine will be sent to my address but what happens if I ignore it? Also I am moving house in a few weeks haha. But seriously, is this something I should pay? Can I end up owing more money and even going to court if I don’t pay?
06.06.2022 @ 17:50
Use the fine to light a fire in your fireplace. lol
13.06.2018 @ 09:13
I was on a week long trip on a motorcycle in Norway, on my way out – 50km from border – I was stopped and fined a 10200NOK(around 1000EUR) ticket for doing 112kmh in 80 in a straight and clear road with some light traffic. I just got carried away as in my home country, speed limit there would have been 90 and local police would stop cars but not motorcycles at 112kmh. What are my chances of not paying and them not contacting local Latvian(Im from Latvia – Baltic states) debt collector agencys? I know that Sweden and Finland do this type of thing if you dont pay, but since Norway is not part of EU, maybe they dont?
Thank you,
Concerned poor eastern european
12.09.2018 @ 12:00
Your are in dipshit. Norway has agreement with Latvia, they are sending fines on daily basis for our drivers (working in logistics here). Dirsā mati, vecīt 🙂
12.12.2018 @ 16:30
They will probably send it. Have you asked your local lawyer what are the options for you not to pay even if they send it? There may or may not be options (often they are) but it’s a question to a good Latvian lawyer. 😉
17.12.2019 @ 22:58
Why did you even stop man? You were on a motorbike i.e. way faster and more agile than they could ever be
30.05.2018 @ 18:40
This is out of date, the fines have been increased as of 01.01.2018. See https://www.radarvarsling.no/satser.htm for example. Lowest fine is now 800,- NOK.
10.06.2018 @ 14:03
Thank you!
The data is now up to date 🙂
21.05.2018 @ 05:17
I just returned to Canada after a week in Norway, I am not sure but suspect I may have a ticket or two waiting for me for overspeeding in the tunnel…. 1) Can u confirm if u have cams in tunnel? 2) How long before my rental company notifies me off fine and tolls?
Finally some one mentioned above that if I canx my credit card I can avoid it altogether, why is it so easy?
28.05.2018 @ 17:21
Hi . I can answer you only on the first question. Not all the tunnels have speed cameras,it depends on the area where you where driving,.
11.06.2018 @ 01:33
Hey we do have speeding cams in tunnels yes, but don’t bother paying it, fuck our high tickets and fuck our low speed limits, there is no chance in hell they are gonna catch you in Canada, the only nationalities that gets ticketed in Norway are the rest of the Nordic countries. After a year or two you’ll be far gone from any registry too so it’s safe to return.
06.06.2022 @ 17:51
Haha…good comment my friend!
20.05.2018 @ 13:46
I was in Norway this weekend and got my license taken away for driving 104 in a 60 zone (yes that was incredibly stupid but the conditions were perfect and the road was empty, no houses or anything in that straight.) the police officer didn’t have any sympathy and took my license at the spot. My gf drove us to finland and the police said that im prohibited to drive in Finland also. Is that really true? Shouldn’t it be up to the home country to decide if the license is taken away or not. Plus what about the fine? I read somewhere that the EU had the right to collect the fine in another EU country but Norway is not part of the EU. So what happens if I just don’t pay the fine that will come to me in mail? Plus does anyone have any idea how big of a dine are we talking about here?
Thanks in advance
04.06.2018 @ 01:35
well how much is your income?, 10% of that can be your fine, also finland has a even harder traffic rule than norway
yes norway is not apart of eu, but we have european cross-border agreements, so the norwegian police can ask the local police for assistant, thats why you will get a fine in the mail
you got to follow the law in the country you are in, you should have checked the speeding before coming here (your home country dont know what the heck your been doing.)
speeding is norway is kinda not the best thing to do
1. our roads are way to unpreditcable, like rock slides, land slides, curvy and all that
2. our police will fine you upto 10% of your income (there was one guy in oslo that got fined half a million nok)
3. our police might trow you in jail for 18 days
4. our police will take your license on the spot
09.06.2018 @ 17:41
I lost my licence for 3 months for driving 20km over .
I am allowed to have my car taken to the border to Finland and from there I am legally allowed to drive everywhere else in Europe. I have a uk licence. The policeman was extremely polite and he was very professional.
He was the one who informed me I can legally drive everywhere else. And I confirmed this with police station too.
04.07.2019 @ 02:11
Hey, What’s the update of your fine? How much did they fine you? Did you pay the fine? I am concerned as something similar happened with me recently 🙁
17.05.2018 @ 16:43
Omg, I am little bit worried when reading this comments.. 😀
I just returned from a Poland where you can drive safely 65kmph in a city with 50kmph limit. I found a special rule for long villages (few houses, straight way)- follow the trucks -they go 80 all the time if there is no speed camera or police 🙂
So, Looks that I will re-book my rental car and choose something with 3-4 speed gearbox 😀
12.12.2018 @ 16:40
The rule for Poland is similar to the rule elsewhere (I call it a Global Rule): ‘Follow the fastest (or second fastest) local’. Most of the times locals know where the cameras are or the police car is standing and if not…they go first as you’ve been following there. In Poland in towns it’s ok to go up to 100kmh during the day and 110kmh at night. 100-120 EUR fine. At 65 kmh in town nobody will stop you. Everybody does 70. Actually I’ve cars going 50 kmh stopped as the policemen suspected that the drivers that stick to the limit precisely maybe intoxicated…. Above 100/110 they will take your license. I am saying ‘It’s ok to go 100/110’, but the decission whether it’s safe to do it is on your judgement in given conditions! (speeding is fun, but can be dangerous also). Out of towns 90 is the limit, 100-105 nobody stops you, if you go 200 usually 100 EUR. At the highways 140 legal, below 150-155 nobody will fine you. A pity that we don’t have a ‘no limit highway’ like in Germany…
29.04.2018 @ 20:28
“Of special interest to motorcyclists is the sign “Overtaking forbidden” (or crossing a double line): Although the sign shows two cars, don’t be fooled”
In Norway there is no overtaking prohibitions or solid lines except before the traffic islands or some tunnels. Never in bends or in bad visibility. There is only a long yellow broken warning line with short gap to the next one. I suppose the line doesn’t directly forbade overtaking. It just warns of bad visibility. In neighbouring Finland the same line means that a solid line (no passing zone) is approaching. Sometimes I have noticed warning line together with no overtaking sign in tunnels. Then just follow the sign.
24.04.2018 @ 21:43
Hej! I am an American student that was traveling in Norway for the past 10 days and was caught in a totally ridiculous speeding trap on a downhill where the speed had just turned from 70-60kph. I was going 74 (14 kph over) because we had slowed down to turn, but decided to take the next turn and another car came up quickly behind us so we sped up so it wouldn’t hit us. I was fined 3800 NOK. The officer gave me 2 options: Pay in the mail, or go to court. Because I was only there for another 2 days, court was out of the question. It seems unfair that I am completely unable to defend my position since I literally only sped up to avoid an accident on the road.
So my question is:
1. are there any other options besides just sending them the money and admitting I was in the wrong?
2. are there any student discounts for speeding tickets? I know there is a 50% discount in Denmark, I just dont know if that is the case in Norway as well.
Thank you so much for your help!
24.04.2018 @ 21:58
Also, What would happen if i didn’t pay the ticket? will Eurocar automatically charge my credit card on file for the car? If so, will the fee increase?
04.05.2018 @ 01:49
Hi Dani,
I am not an expert on Norway, BUT….. 1) are you back home now?; 2) Are you planning to come back to Norway any time soon?
If you do not live in Norway and do not plan to get there soon, here is what I would do: 1. do not pay; 2. call your bank, tell them that you’ve lost your credit card and restrict it. I do not think either Norwegian police or Norwegian car rental company has got any means to collect the money from you in the States.
01.05.2018 @ 11:09
1. No there are no other options – and you wouldn’t have a chance in court.
2. There are no student discounts on speeding in Norway.
05.06.2019 @ 14:46
Hello Dany,
I got a speeding ticket in Norway, and my situation is similar to you, can you advise how did you resolve your car ?
06.06.2022 @ 17:54
If you’re an American citizen who doesn’t intend to go back to Norway, throw it in the trash. What are they gonna do, send the Marines after you?
23.08.2022 @ 15:55
Probably – I noted they police each other in a disturbing way in Norway. I was questioned if I was staying at a hotel when parking. This was by a person who was just walking through the car park. The parking was not a hotel car park and as it happened I was staying at the hotel. That was one of a few weird experiences.
13.04.2018 @ 09:08
Maybe it is good to add that you should not park your bike on the sidewalk. This information is not to be found easily on the internet and could have saved me 900 kronen.
14.04.2018 @ 17:24
Really? But it does not really surprise me. One of the reasons I went into exile 🙂
11.06.2018 @ 01:37
WIllem that is extremely unlucky, I have never been fined for parking a motorbike on a sidewalk, I’ve actually asked Norwegian parking guards about this and they say the the only exception is if you are a mayor blockade for pedestrians or block shop windows.
02.04.2018 @ 08:23
Hi recently I have travelled to Norway Oslo from Gothenburg sweden (mostly E18 I think) I have been 94kmph in 80 kmph road but I couldn’t see any indication about speed camera maybe because of I have joined the motorway from slip road and suddenly my friend sitting next to me have observed speed gun (we think that as a speed gun because it looks similar as speed gun) which flashed or blinked with blue light, is that a speed gun or some kind of device? Can anyone please help me with this problem so that whether I will be penalised or not? If so in how many days I receive the fine? Thank you
11.06.2018 @ 01:38
No in Norway the speed cams only comes with a RED blink, the exception is if you went into some of the old cams which has a white flash, but they are extremely noticeable and almost gone.
There was one case when a new speed cam had some testing it blinked green at every car coming, but that was only a test and didn’t fine anyone.
29.03.2018 @ 12:36
Hi Everybody,
It seems I land in Norway for 2,5 days and as this country has many beautiful roads and places the plan is to drive a bit….like 2000km…. Any hints? I understand that normal driving (=heavy speeding 😉 ) is out of the question, but is there a margin over the limit where they usualy do not catch you? (or should I just follow the ‘all-planet-rule’ =follow the fastest car on local plates as he probably knows what he can get away with?) The limits I see here are multiple 70-80-90 out of town, 100-110 on motorways. How should I know whether it is 70 or 90? Is there a sign? And on the map as I am planning the route, should I assume that the main roads like E18, E134, E6, E16, E39 allow rather more (90?) than minor roads?
Thanx for help in advance!
31.03.2018 @ 17:41
Sorry for my late response, hope you have made it so far without any tickets.
Fact is that there is close to zero tolerance on speeding in Norway. Some (unknown) error tolerance should be built into their radar instruments, but when they measure your mean velocity between two points their error tolerance is only 20 meters (less than 1% !). I had a big discussion with the Norwegian traffic authorities some years ago – with no result. Check https://meninger.speedingeurope.com/2012/03/norwegian-rule-of-law-is-up-against.html on this.
The major E-roads, at least in Southern Norway, now has a max limit of 100km/h. The rules are very strict to obtain a limit of 110km/h, they even have to be lighted all through the night.
But all speed-limits are properly marked – the problem is that they change very often.
To stay alive in Norway you should follow the slowest car on local plates 🙂
03.04.2018 @ 02:57
Thanks SpeedingEurope Team! I start on Friday. Follow the slowest car?? But it may actually reverse ;-). I hope I will not have a heart infract or circulatory colapse having to drive nearly 2000 km in 3 days at that speed. ;-). And are there many unmarked police cars or speed cameras on smaller roads in the country?
16.04.2018 @ 09:39
‘ve been to Norway and survived! 😉 Thanks SpeedingEurope Team for advice. I did around 1650 km in around 50 hrs. First, the country is realy BEAUTIFUL! Lots of stunning views, magnificent fiords and curvy mountain roads which make you want to press the gas pedal and be a race driver. Unfortunately as you say the speeding fines are huge and most of the people drive very slowly, although speeding by 5-10kmh is very common. Some drivers are more brave than that ;-). I used my ‘all planet rule’ and tried to stick to the fastest local driver and stay behing him/her. That made me do around 150 km distance going 105-125 kmh, while the limit was 80 kmh :-). I wouldn’t do it in Norway if I was in the first car. The guy was slowing down in some places and speeding up in the other. I did thiss a few times. Worked out. What’s quite important is that you see a sing ‘speed camera’ before actualy meeting one. I haven’t seen any police cars (either regular or undercover). The rental company charged me around 80 EUR for the toll. I cancelled this credit card afterwards so if there were some traffic fees they will not charge me anything more. What also surprised me is that the roads that look like main roads on the map are realy very tiny and narrow, and you should allow yourself much more time for a given distance than in most of other countries. From Oslo to Kristiansund (Atlantic road) I managed to keep only 80 kmh average speed. From around Bergen to Oslo even less than that (68-69 kmh). Anyway, great views, regular roads may be so scenic that it’s worth going there just to drive them.
04.02.2018 @ 21:35
I was driving on the E18 to Kjevik airport recently and when overtaking another car, I accidentally sped up to around 120 kmph when the limit was 100 kmph. I was driving under a gantry at the time. Are there speed cameras on the E18 or was it just a toll?
07.02.2018 @ 15:47
There are plenty of both speed cameras and toll cameras on E18. Remember, this is Norway. Be careful 😉
11.06.2018 @ 01:42
Alice there is no speed cameras in any 100 or 110 zones in Norway, they only exist between 50 and 90 zones (I am not 100% sure about 90 zones, because I haven’t seen any cams in one yet)
The only cams you’ll encounter in 100-110 zones are “Statens Vegvesen” (road ministry something) cams which only checks number plates and trucks for other stuff.
05.01.2018 @ 19:35
Hi SpeedingEurope Team
Thanks for the useful information, I’m a U.K. Citizen and was driving a rental car in Norways and I noticed a red flash near the end of a tunnel while I was overtaking a car, There was an 80 limit and I think I was doing around 120. I’m already expecting a heavey fine, but I was wondering if you knew if they could take my UK licence or put points on it?
Thanks very much
22.12.2017 @ 14:58
Valuable information. Lucky me I discovered your website by accident, and I’m shocked why this coincidence did not happened in advance! I bookmarked it.
07.11.2017 @ 19:24
Hello) Does the camera make a flash when you speeding?
29.10.2017 @ 08:14
What is the penalty for driving without a licence ?
07.04.2018 @ 03:49
500kr / 48€ fine. thats it
19.10.2017 @ 22:21
Just wanted to let you know that none of your blog links are working.
“HTTP Error 404.0 – Not Found
The resource you are looking for has been removed, had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable.”
20.10.2017 @ 13:02
Thanks for the report. I have not been able to replicate this erroe, it may have been due to a temporary server error. Please check again now.
13.09.2017 @ 09:39
Hy. What the fine will be my blood shows 0.7 promiles. In oslo.
17.09.2017 @ 12:16
Norway is historically strict on alcohol and driving. With 0.7‰ you will lose your license for one year, pay 150% of your monthly income and (possibly) go to jail.
04.09.2017 @ 15:16
Hi there,
I have Norwegian License, and if i am fined in Denmark for High Speed, will there be penalty points also or just a fine.
17.08.2017 @ 20:25
Hi SpeedingEurope Team, I was recently driving home on the E18 and it was a 110 limit. As the road descended towards Tønsberg, I found my Volvo had climbed in speed from 110 to 113 without realising, just as I went under the camera above me on the steel gantry. To my absolute dismay, about 5km further on, the same thing happened again. Getting used to the weight and momentum of this automatic car is a real learning curve.
Am I likely to see repercussions from this ?
19.08.2017 @ 17:51
Your car’s speedometer always is a few km/h high than the sleed you’re actually driving. This probably already brought you under the limit. If that didn’t do it, the 3 km/h correction will do that. You were driving the speed limit or slower.
19.08.2017 @ 21:48
There are no speed cameras in 110 km/h zones, the camera you saw was probably a tollbooth.
03.10.2017 @ 17:56
You are right Tommy. In Norway there are now more tollbooths than speedtraps. And that means a lot 🙂
14.07.2017 @ 10:34
Very nice information! I will be going on a motorcycle trip to Lofoten and now I know that I shouldn’t push my luck speeding!
11.07.2017 @ 09:28
Hi SpeedingEurope Team, thank you for this amazing site! I was wondering if you know any databases containing actual traffic fine data (eg. speed observed, speed limit, amount of the fine etc.). Since I’m working on economic research related to the topic, if you have any info on that it would be great help. Thanks!!
14.07.2017 @ 21:13
I wish there was! This would have made this web way more easy to publish. To my knowledge no such database exist.
This web is the closest you get 🙂
04.07.2017 @ 01:13
I have a question I got a speeding fine being stopped by the police and on the fine it has the wrong number plate and the wrong date of birth
Surely if there’s mistakes on the fine it’s not valid ?
30.06.2017 @ 20:57
Does anyone know how to pay a speeding fine in Norway? I got a fine this week, but lost the piece of paper the police gave. Is there a website with info? Or a way of paying online?
02.06.2017 @ 00:15
This is a great source of information. Unfortunately I found it too late 🙂
Do they report the incurred points back to my original country? This alone can be more damaging then the fine…
Thank you!
11.05.2017 @ 21:54
Hi my singapore license was confiscated will the police return back to me? I’m back in Singapore
Anyway to check with police?
07.05.2017 @ 20:20
Hi, I have just being caught by Traffic police for speed driving in Norway. The speed limit is 50km/h and they say we are driving at 86km/h. They are detain our driving license and say that they will mail it back to our Country. Anyway has an idea how much is the fine and what will happen if we dun pay the fine?
09.05.2017 @ 11:11
My guess is around €1200 – and if you don’t pay they have the apparatus to track you down.
10.05.2017 @ 00:11
SpeedingEurope Team, I am not an expert on Norway, but I believe the key issue is what is Eelin’s home country and whether he plans to come back to Norway. If he happens to be out of EU and doesn’t plan to be back to Norway, then…..they can kiss his….. trunk? 😉
13.12.2017 @ 19:11
Whoa, SpeedingEurope Team, good website but don’t scare Eelin like that. (bangmaken)
They DO NOT have the apparatus to track him down.
Especially Norway.
What country do you live in Eelin? Even if you go back to Norway, they won’t stop you.
I know, I have done it several times, speed limits are so ridiculously low in Norway that I couldn’t help but to have accidentally broken all of them.
When I go back to Norway, passport check, where are you going? Then nothing.
But, they do give your plate number to the illegal scammers in your home country, who try to get money from you, in their name. I have a GB plate, so they can’t get my name. But scammers in the UK illegally got my name and sent me lots of fake payment requests.
Google it, Norway is participating in scams. Google: scam europe norway ticket britain DVLA
I didn’t pay anything, returned to Norway. No problem.
20.04.2017 @ 10:23
If you have a desire to pay the ticket you can just stop at any police station and show them the bill and they will help you. All police patrols also have to accept cash payment on the spot when they fine you, and the units from the traffic police (UP) also have online bank terminals so you can pay by Visa/MC/AmEx etc.
28.03.2017 @ 12:51
Hello! I just spend a lovely weekned in Norway that ended up in the worst possible way. I got fined for speeding at 75kph in a 60khp area. The police (very nice man) stopped me, took my details and gave me a fine for 3700kr (approx £350) he said I have two weeks to pay and I could do so online. He gave me a paper with the banks details where I have to transfer the money. The problem now is how do I know if this is a genuine fine? In the fine there isn’t any link to any webpage were I could go to and pay and to me it doesn’t feel right to just transfer the money to a norwegian bank account without getting a receipt or a proof that I paid that fine. Does anyone know how can I contact them? or maybe a safer payment method? I know I did it wrong so I would like to pay also I would love to return to Norway and not been arrested as soon as I land. Thanks!
30.03.2017 @ 13:22
I have been driving in Norway for more than 40 years and never heard of anything like this. The fine is correct and you can be pretty sure that this was a real policeman.
I think you should transfer the money but you can also gamble and wait to see if anything happens. They do go after foreigners and if they find you it will be even more expensive.
12.04.2017 @ 01:58
I have the same situation like u Leticia, i receive a speeding ticket and it was given to me a paper with bank details behind it. Im from a foreign county too and im looking forward to go back to Norway again for vacation, so i will not gamble on it and i would like to get the fined paid. However, im not pretty sure how do they track on my payment if i were to pay by foreign transfer. There is no website address for me to log on to, its just a bank account numbers and details. Anyone encounter the same situation? If after i had done the foreign payment transfer, how do i make sure they updated in their system that i’ve paid the fine and the transfer of money is for my fine payment? Is there any website which i can track or checked to confirm my payment status?
13.04.2017 @ 16:39
No, there is no website where you can pay or get a confirmation on your payment. Just keep your receipt. And no-one will have any trouble visiting Norway – even after a no-payment of a traffic fine.
13.04.2017 @ 16:47
Thanks SpeedingEurope Team 🙂
21.11.2017 @ 21:52
Hi,, from northern Ireland, and back in 2014, I was stopped and given a speeding ticket and a fine to pay, when back home, I didnt pay, I would like to return next year 2018, will they still be looking out for me, and will it come up on passport check, when entering Norway?
06.02.2017 @ 19:43
Hi everyone, I have been using a foreign drivers licence in Norway. My licence is from an EU country( Hungary), my licence was withdrawn from me a week ago for over speeding, my speed measurement was 78km/hr in a 50/km/hr Zone (main road daylight clear visibility), which is 2 km above the minimum speed for licence withdrawal (76km/hr). Now a friend told me i will be ask to re-do a new drivers licences starting from the very beginning as my licence is less than two years. Though the police officer told me it will take about three to six months to get it back plus a huge fine, maybe he didn’t know my licence is less than two years old. can someone advice me or have anyone been in similar situation?
07.02.2017 @ 04:50
I am pretty sure that having to redo the whole exam does not apply to foreign licenses, just like you won’t get any points on your license.
28.10.2016 @ 04:20
A motorcycling friend of mine (Australian) has just gotten back home following his three week stint in jail – and while there, was not able to be a steadying hand for an impatient colleague (french national) who decided to ride on without him to Sweden to wait for his release. That man hit an elk at sundown and died. The consequences of this zero tolerance attitude to breaches of road speed limits – in a first world country – is breathtaking.
I agree with EA333 .. the inverse logic is astounding. And the waste of taxpayers dollars in court, police & lawyers, just beggars belief. I mean .. WTF?
25.08.2017 @ 06:36
looks like stripping your friend of a license saved his life! Or he too may have been driving dangerously and hit an elk.
21.10.2016 @ 15:07
Norwegian logic : MINIMUM 18 days in prison for going 150 km/h on a motorway and MAXIMUM 21 years in prison for killing 77 people.
19.08.2016 @ 22:30
Hey SpeedingEurope Team,
Quick question: I understand the speed limit in towns in Norway is 50 km/h, but all around me I see Norwegian drivers ignoring the signs with the town name on it and just continuing driving 80 km/h. Until they reach a sign that explicitly says 70, 60, 50 or even 40 km/h.
Does, or does not, the following sign imply a 50 km/h limit? https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/9/94/Norwegian-road-sign-727a.png/120px-Norwegian-road-sign-727a.png
Or can I just go on driving 80 until I encounter a sign with a lower limit?
Thanks in advance!
21.10.2016 @ 17:07
I’m not sure about this, but I think you have to reach a sign that explicitly says 50.
20.04.2017 @ 10:27
Feil, tettbygde strøk har fartsgrense 50, og ikke tettbygde har 80. Men hvis du kjører på vei med skiltet fartsgrense så gjelder skiltingen foran de generelle reglene. Samme med vikepliktreglene, vikeplikt- og stoppskilt trumfer som kjent høyreregelen.
30.06.2016 @ 10:50
Received a speeding ticket in Norway. They have my Canadian drivers license details. If the fine is unpaid and I am stopped by POLICE again, not that I am planning on this, what are the possible consequences? Do they maintain a foreign data base on moving violations in Norway?
12.04.2016 @ 09:56
I’m curious to find out what blog platform you’re using?
I’m experiencing some minor security problems with my latest
website and I’d like to find something more secure.
Do you have any recommendations?
30.03.2017 @ 13:10
This is WordPress with the theme Themify Basic. For the safety I use the plugin Akismet. I use WP on several sites, but I’m not sure to recommend it. Too complicated and often beyond control if you don’t resort to manual coding – which I have to do all the time.