Last update 7.7.2019 | First published 20.5.2004 | €1 = SEK9.56
Sweden has almost ’Gone Norwegian’ as to speeding – but only almost..
Index : 172% of European mean value
0.2‰ | €335 | €170 | €280 | €314 |
The speed limits are higher than in Norway and motor roads have a max speed of 120 km/h.
The common speed limits outside urban areas are 90 km/h.
Note that speed limits may be lowered during winter.
Important numbers : | ||||||
Limit – km/h | 30 | 50 | 70 | 90 | 110 | 120 |
Fine +21km/h | €335 | €335 | €300 | €300 | €300 | €300 |
Fine +40km/h | €430 | €430 | €430 | €430 | €430 | €430 |
LICENSE (2 – 8 months) | 51 | 81 | 101 | 121 | 141 | 151 |
Member of the European cross-country fine cooperation. Any traffic fine may arrive at your home address.
Fines may automatically be shared between Austria, Chech Republic, Cyprus, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, Netherlands, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden and United Kingdom.
Member of the European cross-country fine cooperation. Any traffic fine may arrive at your home address.
Fines may automatically be shared between Austria, Chech Republic, Cyprus, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, Netherlands, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden and United Kingdom.
It is forbidden to carry any instrument that hinders the policework (radar detectors, radar jammers). This will usually be rewarded with a fine of €400, but may also result in dagsböter (daily fines, see below) or even jail (theoretically). A radar jammer is a more serious offence and will often be rewarded with dagsböter.
The active use of a mobile phone may (if you disturb the traffic) cost you €150 and even your license.
The active use of a mobile phone may (if you disturb the traffic) cost you €150 and even your license.
Sweden in detail : | |||
€1 = SEK9.56 | Violation | Fine (SEK) | Fine (Euro) |
30 km/h | + 1-10 km/h | 2 000 | 215 |
+ 11-15 km/h | 2 400 | 250 | |
+ 16-20 km/h | 2 800 | 293 | |
LICENSE (2-8 months) | + 21 km and more/h | 3 200 – 4 000 | 335 – 420 |
50 km/h | + 1-10 km/h | 2 000 | 210 |
+ 11-15 km/h | 2 400 | 251 | |
+ 16-20 km/h | 2 800 | 293 | |
+ 21-25 km/h | 3 200 | 335 | |
+ 26-30 km/h | 3 600 | 377 | |
LICENSE (2 – 8 months) | + 31 km/h and more | 4 000 | 420 |
70 km/h or more | + 1-10 km/h | 1 500 | 160 |
+ 11-15 km/h | 2 000 | 215 | |
+ 16-20 km/h | 2 400 | 260 | |
+ 21-25 km/h | 2 800 | 300 | |
+ 26-30 km/h | 3 200 | 345 | |
LICENSE (2 months) | + 31-35 km/h | 3 600 | 390 |
LICENSE (2 – 8 months) | + 36 km/h and more | 4 000 | 430 |
With license withdrawal you may be subject to a fine that equals 40-60 dagsböter (daily fine): Dagsböter is dependent on your income, one dagsbot may equal anything between 30 and 100 SEK (3-10 €). For more info, visit Trafikjuristen (in Swedish).You will find the official numbers at the Swedish Polis (in Swedish). Fines and reactions may change without any warnings. Values in Euro are approximate. |
There is no penalty points system in Sweden.
There are, however, some rules for repeated offences (in Swedish).
There are, however, some rules for repeated offences (in Swedish).
08.07.2023 @ 00:56
Anybody know if speed cameras capture both lanes, or only if they take pictures of one lane head on?
11.08.2022 @ 00:27
Does anyone know how long is the suspension due to speeding in Sweden? On a Web site I’ve read was saying up to 36 months. Well what is the minimum, for instance if it’s your first suspension?
08.08.2021 @ 22:56
Sweden pictures with +1, do not suggest. I managed to have luck to meet one literally after sharp S and sharp hill, rolling down from 48-51 (50 area), tbh hard to drive faster there, if you don’t want to die that is but still, camera in surprise spot?! Soo stupid location.
17.02.2021 @ 13:48
På important numbers står det at +40 på motorvei ikke medfører førerkorttap, mens i details ryker den på +31. Hva er riktig?
17.05.2019 @ 01:59
The tolerance for speeding in Sweden is very low, at jest bare 3 km/h. My sources are from the Swedish Police (5th Paragraph). https://www.trafikjuristen.se/kortfakta/hastighetsovervakning/Laser/FAP_LASER_RPSFS2003_6.pdf
Have this in mind if you’ll going fast. Generally, outside larger cities, you don’t have for the most part to worry about police controls or traffic. I usually drive on country roads between 90-120 km/h. Motorways 130-160 km/h. Most speed cameras are empty and just make sure to cover your face. The ticket you can throw away.
Speed carefully 🙂
29.04.2019 @ 15:31
What about parking tickets in stockholm?
Got yellow ticket for parking in front of embassy…
I had payed for 2h parking, but didnt know that there’s some embassy of rwada or smth like that…
Parking places marked with white lines in my country means u cam stand! If they’re yellow = cant park…
So i was wtf…???
What happens if i wont pay this sh*t…???
18.03.2024 @ 00:35
Had the same in Italy: green lines means disabled parking
08.12.2018 @ 13:39
Hi. Are there average speed cameras or speed cameras in general on the highway like the one leading to gothenburg? Do police put speed traps on that road?
Also, can swedish police take your drivers license if they are foreign or they just fine you? (can someone reply to me at legion_astaroth@yahoo.com) thanks
19.03.2019 @ 13:50
There are no speed cameras on the large highways in Sweden. There are however some speed cameras on smaller roads but as a foreigner you cant be fined by those.
Though there are no cameras, there can be undercover police cars on the highways, but they are not very common.
04.05.2019 @ 08:13
In regards to taking your license away, if you are a resident in Sweden with a foreign license they can take it away (as experienced by myself as well). As a passer-by/tourist I think they can still take it away it your license is from an EU/EEA country but mostly if you’ve really done something bad, ie driving 30+ km/h above the limit, drunk driving, red lights etc.
Sweden does not have many checkpoints for speeding outside urban areas but when they do, they are very strict about it. It’s a shame honestly given their quality infrastructure.
11.10.2018 @ 14:14
Like some have said, the fines are harsh, but likelyhood of getting caught is low. Basically it’s a pretty fair system and if you get caught it’s very likely that you deserved it by driving like an idiot. This is because cameras are clearly marked, which means that you weren’t paying attention. Speed traps are almost always positioned where they are hidden from view until the last moment, which means that you were speeding where you absolutely shouldn’t.
Also, don’t drive above the speed limit in towns or cities.
13.01.2018 @ 21:26
I live in Sweden and really likes to go fast. When you look here, it looks pretty bad – but the fines and license withdrawal isn’t the only measure. How likely you are to get caught, is also of great intrest and that’s not very bad here.
Even if a country have low fines, it can still be a hassle if there are a lot of cops driving around in unmarked cars, hiding with a LIDAR in the bushes and if they also have radar equipment on police cars so they can measure speed of vehicles going in opposit direction and vehicles coming from behind and catch up with them. Many countries also have for example a point systems on the license – so if you get caught one or maybe 2 times, it’s not as bad – but if it happens repeated within a certain time, the penalties get much worse. If it’s hard to avoid the cops the times you get caught easely adds on (if you don’t want to end the fun and start going slow).
I know it’s quite hard to show that on a page like this, since you can not just check the laws – and there are also no official statistics of how common cops on the roads are for each country and wich methods they use to catch speeders. You have to drive there often to see it. But it can be a helpful if those living in the countries (or work there or for other reasons drive there often) helps to fill that in. Also some tricks how you can avoid and lower your tickets is good (as I will also write below).
Anyway – I have gone like 25 000 km above the speedlimits here now (of wich 50-70% is fast enough to get a suspended licence) and have no tickets at all yet. I also know others similar and even better statistics. Once I have been close to get caught (so it’s still a good idea to watch out for cops, even though they are few compared to many other countries).
Unmarked cop cars is the biggest danger here. But, they don’t have radar and such “fancy stuff” – wich means you don’t need to worry about those (and not marked ones ether) going in opposit direction or if you are catching up with one further ahead (they can’t mesure speed of vehicles behind them)
The danger is if you pass one without notice it. If that happens they will follow you (I think at least 500 meters) and clock your average speed during that distance – so if you slow down during that time, the measured speed will be lower. It’s a good idea if you see a suspicious car coming after, to slow down way below the speed limit – that way you lower the average even more and if you are lucky it levels out completely, so they only get you going legal speed and stop chasing (that’s likely what saved me as they where coming after but then backed off – I slowed down from 145 to 80 in a 110-zone as they where catching up).
Then we also have a lot of speed cameras on country roads. But, those are nothing to worry about – they are easy to spot and even have signs before them, haha. (those are mostly an annoyance because they tend to cause small traffic pile ups, wich are then hard to overtake)
10.02.2018 @ 16:08
Another thing I forgot to mention is also that the risk of getting caught also varies during the time of the day – during late morning and daytime the risk of getting caught is somewhat higher.
Almost all the time when I hear about someone who have seen a speed trap or the few times someone in fact do get caught, it’s during day time. Evening and night time is the best time for speeding (that’s conveniently also the time the traffic is lowest). That can also be good to know.
04.04.2016 @ 12:56
Since a few years back, the Swedish traffic department has started phasing out current speed limits and as it looks now, they will look like this in the following years: 30, 40 in urban areas, 60 and 80 outside cities, 100 expressways and the the same 110 and 120 that exists on our highways. Here’s two sources from a newsite and the official site of the traffic department but unfortunately only available in Swedish.
17.04.2016 @ 22:30
Thank you, Aleksandr .)
This is interesting and will be included in my info on Sweden.
Og jeg har ingen problemer med å forstå svensk 🙂
06.09.2015 @ 13:48
Thank you, Håkan. This info is now corrected 🙂
03.09.2015 @ 13:52
Your comment for Sweden “Strangely, radar-jammers and detectors are not forbidden.” is wrong. There is at least a penalty of 4000 SEK or it could also mean that you go to jail….