Last update 4.4.2018 | Published 4.3.2018 | €1 = HRK7.4
The traffic penalties in Croatia was dramatically increased on 1.8.2019.
Please follow this link and translate to see the new penalties.
The numbers on this page will be updated soon.
Please follow this link and translate to see the new penalties.
The numbers on this page will be updated soon.
Croatia mostly follows the European standard on fines, but be aware that Croatia is one of the few countries where you may end up in jail for speeding.
Unlike most Eastern European countries the limit on alcohol consumption is not zero.
Index : 86% of European mean value
0.5‰ | €135 | €65 | €90 | €260 |
Important numbers : | ||||
Limit – km/h | 50 | 90 | 110 | 130 |
Fine +21km/h | €135 | €68 | €68 | €68 |
Fine +41km/h | €270 | €135 | €135 | €135 |
LICENSE unconditionally(1 | 100(2 | 140 | 160 | 180 |
1) Witdrawal period: 12 months. 2) By repetion within 2 years 24 months and imprisonment up to 60 days |
10% in all cases; additionally, outside towns there is no penalty for 10 km/h speeding.
Rumours say that you are safe within +10 km/h in urban areas and within +20 km/h outside.
10% in all cases; additionally, outside towns there is no penalty for 10 km/h speeding.
Rumours say that you are safe within +10 km/h in urban areas and within +20 km/h outside.
Important links – all in Croatian but easy to translate:
Croatia in detail : | ||||
€1 = HRK7.4 | Violation | Fine (HRK) | Fine (Euro) | Points |
+0-10 km/h | 300 | 40 | – | |
+10-20 km/h | 500 | 68 | – | |
+20-30 km/h | 1000 | 135 | 1 | |
+30-50 km/h | 2000 | 270 | 2 | |
LICENSE(1 | +50 km/h and more | 5 000-15 000 | 675-2027 | 3 |
+10-30 km/h | 500 | 68 | – | |
+30-50 km/h | 1000 | 135 | – | |
LICENSE(1 | +50 km/h and more | 3 000-7 000 | 405-946 | 3 |
1) 12 months Values in Euro are approximate. |
In Croatia you start with zero points. With 9 points collected during 3 years you will lose your license for 12 months. However, if you lose 3 points for one offence you will also immediately lose your license.
In addition to the speeding offences above, there are many more reasons for points):
- Illegal overtaking: 2 points
- Not stopping before a red light: 2 points
- Drinking and driving, from 0.5 g/l in blood sample: 3-5 points
22.12.2023 @ 15:02
Your technique to this subject is rejuvenating!
24.09.2020 @ 14:21
Hi – had a letter through for doing an adjusted 96 outside of town. I thought these were 90 limits but the letter says it’s a 50? I’m in the U.K. and just had the letter through (own car). Letter has arrived 3 months late and wanted a 15 day reply – is it worth replying or just filing it in the bin?
24.02.2021 @ 13:35
I today received a letter for a similar offence. I have to pay 500hkn or half within 3 days of receipt of notification. The offence was nearly 2 years ago, the letter is dated 6 months ago and the whole thing is written in croatian so its difficult to understand.
What should I do?
09.09.2020 @ 14:14
Speed tolerance is 10% on any speed limit sign. On the highway, there is an additional +10% for speedometer not being 100% correct. Example: speed limit 70, you can drive 77. Second example speed limit 130, you can drive 143 +10% = 157, but again your speedometer is not correct so if you drive 160 it’s fine. Local Police Cobras told me in person 150 is tolerated, they fine 160 if it’s the end of the month and your the only one on the road, if there’s traffic there is less chance. So just put 150 on your cruise control and enjoy the freedom!
22.12.2019 @ 04:39
We were in Croatia at the end of October and were driving to Plitvice Lakes late at night. We received a speeding ticket yesterday. It came certified mail. It is completely in Croatian and we had to use the google translate app to scan it and understand it. It looks a little sketchy and showed up in a ragged blue envelope with no police or government markings. The letter had a regular stamp of the Croatian Ministry of Finance, but it did not look like professional or official letterhead. It said we were going approx. 80km in a 50km zone (it was late at night in the middle of no where and we wanted to get to our hotel) and that I owed 3,000 Kuna or I could pay 2/3 of it and it would be considered null and void. A page of the letter gave me a swift code and an iban code ( I do not even know what that is).
Is this legit or some time of scam? It almost looks too unprofessional to be an official ticket which is what is making me skeptical. Anyone have any advice or has anyone had something like this happen to them? This was our first time driving in a foreign country. What happens if I do not pay it and it turns out to be real?
22.12.2019 @ 04:49
For clarification, we live in the states and were there on vacation.
09.09.2020 @ 14:07
You passed through new speed traps. They deliver you a fine via post. It should provide a picture or some evidence of you speeding with date, time & location. In Croatia, you have the option to pay half of the fine in the first maybe 3 das, in that case, you don’t get any negative points on your driving license or legal prosecution and you avoid lawyers. Easy for the government to fill the tax budget.
Never got one thank God. I advise next time use Waze navigation as it has all speed traps marked and it gives you a warning 100 meters before if you have rout navigation turned on.
Knowing Croatina Police I wouldn’t be surprised they forgot to translate the letter. IBAN is a bank account number and SWFT is I guess local bank number of sort. IBAN is commonly known in the Europe banking system.
I would advise you to pay the ticket not to get any surprises on the border if you visit the EU again.
Good luck!
10.12.2019 @ 11:51
Officially, the tolerance between 0-100 km/h is 10 km/h, and above 100 km/h the tolerance is 10%. I calibrate my speedometer on traffic radars and drive almost always on cruise control, even in populated areas, since then I never had a problem with speeding.
03.09.2019 @ 13:24
There are no speed cameras on toll roads, only outside of tool roads. On toll roads you have black BMWs and Mercedes and VW Passats chasing you that will pull you over.
They let you take them over and start chasing you, or just appear behind you.
But they will never pull you over for going 30 kmh over the limit… and don’t take the bait of a black nice car with Cro locense plates tailgaiting you, move out of the way.. 🙂
10.03.2019 @ 13:01
You can safely drive 160 on highways and not get a ticket. If you go 170-180 you may get a ticket by law but also probably not. In the tunnels you can go 122 safely.
24.01.2019 @ 20:32
I will be driving thru Croatia and neighbor Balkan countries with Valentine V1 3.8952 latest firmware, custom sweeps + JBV1 app accompanied with AL Priority Dual Front laser jammer system and will let you guys know what I encounter 🙂
I expect more laser encounters than radar ones.
23.02.2019 @ 01:28
As far as I know, in Slovenia they’re completely illegal. In Serbia it won’t help much since they measure the average speed on all freeways with zero tolerance and have cops waiting at toll plazas 24/7 for foreign drivers.
21.08.2018 @ 13:40
For illegal overtaking, I got 500HRK (65 euro) and no points. So if u have luck like me, that is a fine. But I payed on the spot, if not, then is 1000HRK.
18.07.2020 @ 17:39
Hi. Last week we got stopped by police for exceeding speed limit with 20 km/h near the Bosnian Border. The police told us, that we must pay in Kuna on the spot, and took the passports of all 4 passengers, not willing to give it back, until we pay on spot. They said, their POS wasn’t working at the time, and only cash payment on Kuna was possible. After 45 minutes, we finally went to a ATM and took out Kuna, paid and left. I was wondering, if this was normal procedure, since the police officer was very arrogant, even refused to tell his name.
09.05.2018 @ 20:40
Forgot to put the link to speed cameras: https://www.google.com/maps/d/viewer?mid=1VWH7WNBCFGT1HtYzyVM4USoy9i7ifgpm&ll=44.451750001016585%2C16.511381049999954&z=7
09.05.2018 @ 20:39
Here is a list of all speed cameras (some still haven’t been installed). None of them is marked and they are able to flash you from front and behind, depending on the direction it is facing. If you are from EU you will get your postcard.
09.05.2018 @ 20:36
If you pay a fine on the spot, it is reduced by 50%. And if you pay (I think) within 8 days it is reduced by 1/3. Not all fines can be payed on the spot though (larger fines – can’t remember the limit), but I think that then you can pay 50% within 3 days.
09.05.2018 @ 20:31
Tolerance is 10 kph for measured speed up to 100 kph. Above 100 kph measured speed tolerance is 10%.
05.04.2018 @ 19:18
I drove past a radar enforced police checkpoint last August in a Slovenian registered car at 55 km/h (according to the speedometer) where the limit is 50 km/h and the officer just put his radar gun down after I passed and nothing happened, nor did I get a ticket later. I drove at exactly that speed since I knew it is a common checkpoint and that the tolerance of 10% is legally prescribed in their Traffic Code. No consequences either for a German-registered Audi that drove in front of me at roughly the same rate of speed :).
In addition, the A9 highway in Western Croatia does not seem to be patrolled at all. The nominal speed limit is 110 km/h (except for the 2 bridges where it is 60-80) I have been driving there regularly since 2014 at 130-140 km/h without ever seeing a patrol car or speed trap or receiving a ticket later. Of course doing that is a bit more risky, and they recently announced a pilot project to supervise this road with drones.
01.05.2018 @ 19:45
Hi Remy,
This helps. However I observed a lot of people were travelling with speeds higher than 150-160 on freeways in Croatia ( with max speed limit of 130).
I was traveling at 140-150, but am not sure if I would get any fine for this?
Also what about tunnels? In tunnels limit is usually 100, I was at 110-115 sometimes.
Your answer would really help
31.05.2018 @ 21:54
Sorry, I don’t know, I think the local Croats would be more helpful here. I heard that have been increasing the number of stationary speed traps lately (especially in Dalmatia, also on highways), and I also know that unmarked patrol cars aren’t uncommon on the Croatian part of the Zagreb-Belgrade highways. For tunnels: I’ve never driven through one on Croatian highways, but up to 10km/h shouldn’t be a problem – standard tolerance. My assumption is that sending fines outside the country isn’t that commonplace like in the Netherlands for instance.
09.03.2019 @ 16:20
I live in Cro and usually drive about 160-170 km/h and it was never a problem.
I’m not sure for speed above 150 but at 150 at 130 zone is not a problem.