

Last update 7.7.2019 | Published 24.5.2004

A Nokia boss was fined $116 000 for speeding…
Be aware that most fines in Finland are based on your taxable income.

The speed limits are higher than in both Sweden and Norway and motor roads have a max speed of 120 km/h. The common speed limits outside urban areas are 100 km/h. Speeds are often reduced during winter (october-april).

The important numbers
Limit – km/h 30 50 80 100(* 120(**
Fine +20km/h €200 €200 €200 €200 €200
Fine +40km/h 24df(1 24df(1 22df(1 22df(1 22df(1
LICENSE (1 – 6 months) 63 83 116 136 156
)* 80 km/h during winter
)** 100 km/h during winter
1) Dailyfine, see below
Exceeding the limit with 21km/h or more may withdraw your license and will give you a fine based on your income.
Member of the European cross-country fine cooperation. Any traffic fine may arrive at your home address.
Fines may automatically be shared between Austria, Chech Republic, Cyprus, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, Netherlands, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden and United Kingdom.
Any speeding above +20km/h will give a fine based on your income.

10 km/h in all cases. Fixed speed cameras activate at 6 km/h and a notification is sent by mail with no consequences up to 10 km/h over the limit.
Beyond 20 km/h fine is net income based with no upper limit.

Radar-jammers and detectors are strictly forbidden and may take your license with 20 day-fines.
There is no penalty point system in Finland.

Finland in detail :
Violation #Day-fines *)Day-fine €26 **)Day-fine €95
+ 12-15 km/h 170(1 170(1
+30 km/h +16-20 km/h 200(1 200(1
+21-23 km/h 12 dagsböter(2 312 1 140
+24-26 km/h 14 dagsböter(2 364 1 330
+27-29 km/h 16 dagsböter(2 416 1 520
+30-32 km/h 18 dagsböter(2 468 1 710
LICENSE(4 +33-35 km/h 20 dagsböter(2 520 1 900
+36-38 km/h 22 dagsböter(2 572 2 090
+39-41 km/h 24 dagsböter(2 624 2 280
+42-44 km/h 26 dagsböter(2 676 2 470
+45-47 km/h 28 dagsböter(2 728 2 660
+48 km/h and more COURT(3 higher fine
+ 12-15 km/h 170(1 170(1
 +60 km/h + 16-20 km/h 200(1 200(1
+21-23 km/h 10 dagsböter(2 260 950
+24-26 km/h 12 dagsböter(2 312 1 140
+27-29 km/h 14 dagsböter(2 364 1 330
+30-32 km/h 16 dagsböter(2 416 1 520
+33-35 km/h 18 dagsböter(2 468 1 710
LICENSE(4 +36-38 km/h 20 dagsböter(2 520 1 900
+39-41 km/h 22 dagsböter(2 572 2 090
+42-44 km/h 24 dagsböter(2 624 2 280
+45-47 km/h 26 dagsböter(2 676 2 470
+48-50 km/h 28 dagsböter(2 728 2 660
+51 km/h and more COURT(3 higher fine
*) Person with net monthly income €2000, 1 child – see table below
**) Person with net monthly income €6000, single – see table below
1) Ordningsbot – Rikesakko – Ordinary fine
2) Dagsböter – Päiväsakko -Day fine. See explanation below
3) Court. You will get prosecuted.
4) 1 – 6 months. Finnish police says that you have to break specific rules four times in two years or three times in one year for this to come into effect (not only speeding but also cell phone use and the use of radar detectors).Sources:
Finnish Police (official). How to decide fines and react to common offences (PDF – in Swedish)
Finnish courts (official): On standard fines (Ordningsbot – in Swedish).
Day-fines / Dagsböter / Päiväsakko
Daily fines based on net monthly income and children:
Net income, children Day-fine
€1000, 2 children €6
€2000, 1 child €26
€4000, single €62
€6000, single €95
€12000, single €195

source: Finnish Police

Finnish day-fines is used for most offences which may result in a fine – not only traffic offenses. The minimum is a 1 day-fine, the maximum is 120 day-fines. If several offences are punished together the maximum is 240 day-fines. An example would be speeding without a seat-belt 84 da-fines).
The minimum day-fine is 6 euros For speeding, however, the total fine will never be below 115 euros, the maximun ordinary fine. There is no maximum day-fine (Switzerland, which has a similar system, has a maximum daily rate at 300 Swiss francs).
Usually, the day-fine is one half of daily disposable income. The daily disposable income is considered to be one 60th part of the person’s monthly mean income during the year, after taxes, social security payments and a basic living allowance of €255 per month have been deducted. In addition, every person for whose upkeep the fined person is responsible decreases the amount of daily fine by €3. See Wikipedia on Day-fines for more details.

Torsti Salonen writes (March 2003):
“Your information on speeding fines here in Finland is quite correct. I can add that the period for licence withdrawal can vary from 1 day to 6 months depending on the conditions (not only the speed, but even other traffic, the quality of the road, weather conditions, do you need the license for your pofession etc). You also have always the right to leave the matter to a court of justice if you do not like the decision of the policeman. If that is the case, you,ll get your license back immediately and you’ll lose it only after the court has confirmed the confiscation. It usually takes at least 3-4 months before the court takes the matter into consideration. The result is usually that if you speed during the motorcycling season, you’ll lose your license for a few weeks some time during the next winter.”


  1. Penguin
    04.10.2024 @ 16:08

    Nothing polite nor positive about the Finnish fines, as it is mostly about money gathering by gaming the system.

    On a lot of roads you will see random and rather fast changes to the speed limits 60-80-60-80-100-80-100, even within a kilometer range, which in my opinion should be completely outlawed as is both gaming, entrapping the driver.

    The Finnish politicians and the society is the mindset: Is something going well for you? We cannot have that. Let’s make misery.

    Morally this is repugnant. Same crime, but different penalties. By that standard, a drunkard that rapes would get a day fine, and a richer-working class a year in jail, and the entrepreneur a life-sentence? NO? Why not? Your fines are based on the same principle? Ah, the everlasting “If you don’t like it leave, we are too good to improve?” Right, the impoverished insignificant little nation…


  2. Miguel Maffit
    22.12.2023 @ 14:57


  3. Isaac Rux
    22.12.2023 @ 14:53


  4. Edward
    11.12.2022 @ 13:03

    Does anyone know how to check if your rental car in Finland got flashed for a Speeding ticket online? If so, how does one pay it online?


  5. Goh KK
    30.03.2020 @ 14:32

    It has been two months since I visited Norway. I drove around 60km in a 50km speed limit and the speed camera flashed. How to check if there is any outstanding speeding tickets? Thanks


  6. KJ
    16.01.2020 @ 21:51

    Data on speeding needs to be updated – please drive slightly slower than indicated on this web-page.
    “A warning is given for 3–6 kilometres per hour over the speed limit for all speed limit areas. A summary penal fee is imposed for 7 or more kilometres per hour over the speed limit in all speed limit areas. In practice, the police reduce the measured speed based on a possible measurement error of 3km/h, which means that the speed recorded on the fine is lower than the measured speed. For example, if you drive at a speed of 70km/h in a 60km/h area, you will be issued with a summary penal fee on which your speed will be recorded as 67 km/h. If you drive at 69km/h in the area, after the reduction by the margin of error, your excess speed would be 6km/h. Day fines are imposed if the excess speed is more than 20 kilometres per hour after the deduction.”
    Retrieved 2020-01-16


  7. Alexander
    17.10.2019 @ 08:14

    Day fee can be calculated on police website:

    Enter your net income (after taxes) and number of children.


  8. Babar
    18.07.2019 @ 23:33

    Finnish police don’t have authority to fine abroad. So if a camera flashes you, just forget it.


  9. Otto
    11.06.2019 @ 08:04

    The amount of one day-fine was doubled in 2018. Nowadays it’s 1/30 of your monthly income (= a one day’s pay).


  10. Ed
    07.06.2019 @ 20:02

    Driving back up north from the girlfriend’s parents’ place, I was coming into a village where the limit dropped from 80 to 60. I’d taken my foot off the gas and was very obviously decelerating, probably doing about 65-70 when I passed the sign. A policeman coming the other way flashed the blue lights and did the “naughty naughty” finger at me, but let us be, which I thought was very sporting of him.

    A couple of hundred km up the road, I met his colleagues. Finally got a chance to overtake a truck and went for it, came round the next bend slowing down and got nailed by a cop with a radar gun. 110 in an 80. His colleague jumped out into the road in front of us and had us make an illegal left turn across traffic to go and do the paperwork, with another illegal left turn out of the rest stop afterward to continue on our way. All of which I’d argue is far more dangerous than 30 over on a dry road in the arse end of nowhere, but I don’t make the rules.

    I was stupid enough to tell them I lived in Finland and had a social security number, and they were able to see all my tax details, etc., and print off a page full of K-riddled gibberish right there in the back of the van. I was (grudgingly) impressed. Less so with the number at the bottom of that page (the only thing I could understand): The whole thing ended up costing me 540€.

    It was all very good-natured, and they even waved as we drove off. Best part is, they also nailed the 7-series that had left me in the dust a few km back. 😀


  11. Neil
    01.06.2019 @ 12:48

    I just got flashed by a camera in a rental car. Doing approximately 80km in a 60km zone.
    Does every flash of the camera get a letter ( in the uk there is often no film in the speed cameras).
    What would I expect to get as a fine, and how long until I get notification?
    What happens if you ignore a fine?
    Many thanks for advise.


    • Michael
      11.02.2020 @ 23:05

      Hi Neil,

      I’m in the exact same situation. How much (if anything) did you end up paying? And did you get a letter to your UK address?

      Thank you.


  12. Cheng
    10.01.2019 @ 12:47

    I  got snapped  by a camera  several days ago. Yesterday,  I received the fine bill (170 euro).  And  the fill  letter  states that   my speed  is  68km/h  in  a  60km/h zone,  which means that  my car  exceed 8 km/h.   I think I should not be fined according the above Table, which show that there is no fine until the speed exceed 12-15 km/h.


    • Neil
      01.06.2019 @ 12:49

      What was the outcome of your speed offence? I would be interested to know.


    • Martin Kralev
      11.07.2019 @ 23:10

      Hi I am also interested what happened,  did you pay your fine or not?


  13. JcB
    02.11.2018 @ 11:34

    I am French and come in Finland to visit my son in Erasmus in Oulu
    I took a rent car sixt and go through the country to Oulu
    I  was flashed at the beginning of an area at 60 km / h while I rolled about 95 …. what will happen?


    • Neil
      01.06.2019 @ 13:27

      Hi did you get a ticket in the end?
      If so how much was it for?
      I had a picture doing a similar speed.


  14. Jay
    08.10.2018 @ 12:43

    If the speed limit is 60 and I was driving with 89 km/h for much I have to pay, and is any risk to get my license because ia my first year that I have license in Finland?


  15. Mohammed
    09.05.2018 @ 19:13

    Hi , I suspect that I had exceeded the limits of speed and took a picture of me how long it takes to get the post  and is there a website that I can check my fines record


  16. Patosh Romgens
    13.04.2018 @ 12:51

    I’ve got a speeding ticket in Finland while driving a rental car in february. The rental office notified us and charged 50€ administration fee and told us the fine will arrive by mail. We live in France but so far no fine arrived at our place. What’s the normal time frame for this to arrive?


  17. Remy
    05.04.2018 @ 19:03

    Just out of curiosity, how do they determine your income if you live outside Finland and drive a foreign-registered car? Or are you charged a predetermined fixed penalty in that case?


    • 76tDriver
      11.04.2018 @ 17:31

      You will be charged according to the lowest day fine (päiväsakko). If no income data is available and you don’t tell the officer how much you make or claim to make only, say, 1000/month, your fine will be 6e*amount of day fines with a minimum of 200e.


  18. Sanket
    19.03.2018 @ 23:01

    I just got caught on a 80kmph limit with111kmph speed. can some one tell me the amount of fine i need to pay.
    i tried to calculate from the table but i am confused.


    • 76tDriver
      11.04.2018 @ 17:35

      If your accurate speed is/was 111 kmh, your fine will be for 28 over the limit after tolerance. 10-18 day fines. Minimum 200e


  19. Thed W
    21.02.2018 @ 04:59

    Hi, I am doing my research on fines and road accidents. I was just wondering how does the Finland government determine their speed fines.

    Grateful for your feedback, please.



  20. Christina Guerrero
    04.12.2017 @ 08:02

    Hi, I just got caught by a camera going 68km/h in a 60km/h zone . To be honest I didn’t know that the speed had changed from 80 to 60 and had been travelling slowly in the 80 zone because of the road conditions. How much is the fine likely to cost me? I didn’t really understand how much I would need to pay since I am a student and my personal income is 0euros a year :/



    • Michael
      15.12.2017 @ 12:52

      Christina, me happened the same today. As i understand it, the fine has a minimum of 170 to 200 €.


    • Jari
      20.01.2018 @ 19:19

      Hi Christina,

      if the letter after being flashed comes later than 2 weeks, you can ignore it.

      If you already got the letter saying 68 km/h after reductions, then you would also already know the cost, which would be fixed – no student discounts ;-).

      If you think you drove 8 km/h too fast, you will propably get nothing. Some flashes are just warnings.


  21. Farah
    07.11.2017 @ 13:21

    If a person is overspending without winter tires in winter, salary is 3200euro. What could be fine cost?


    • 76tDriver
      04.03.2018 @ 15:48

      To be honest, driving without winter tires in conditions that require them is beyond stupid. Last winter two guys died because the driver ignored changing tires and guess what happened?  They drove a head on collision with a road train… It was not suicide but loss of control because of summer tires in December. Think twice before doing something that stupid. And if you’re still up to driving on summer tires in the winter, please, please stay wherever you are and don’t risk other peoples lives. Or mine. I don’t want to kill you with a 76-ton roadtrain..


  22. Mark
    09.09.2017 @ 07:51

    How to pay a speeding fine online?  Can anyone give me the link on it? Thanks!


  23. Finland -Safest country in for travellers |
    21.04.2017 @ 11:24

    […] If you want to learn more, check the Police site or if you are interested in European practices in general […]


  24. SpeedingEurope Team
    03.01.2017 @ 22:04

    Sorry for the late answer, Ari. Thanx for your info 🙂
    The data are now correct (I think!). Please check.
    Do you have any infor info on the finnish fines for red light crossing and illegal passing? Theree is a new (McDonalds:) Burger Index on European fines on the front page. Only the data for Finland miss and seems imposible to find.


    • Sergei Eliseev
      25.01.2017 @ 18:30

      I can tell from experience, red light crossing is also calculated on day-fine basis. 9 years back it cost me 10 or 12 day-fines.


  25. Ari Fernelius
    13.09.2016 @ 09:17

    The fixed fines were practically doubled in 2015.  Any fixed fine of 85e is now 170e, and the fixed fines of 100e and 115e are now both 200e. The day-fines haven’t been touched – the chart is still about right.


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