

Last update 5.2.2020 | Published 24.5.2004

Netherlands has some of the highest traffic fines in Europe with the new higher fines for many offenses like speeding which came into force 1st January 2014.

Speed limit enforcement is extensive on Dutch roads. This includes traffic enforcement cameras in urban areas and radar guns on national roads and motorways. Furthermore, fixed average speed checks (trajectcontrole), which were first introduced in the Netherlands, are now in operation on many motorways. Check Speed limits in the Netherlands (Wikipedia) on this.

Important numbers :
Limit – km/h 30 50 80 120
Fine +21km/h €277 €207 €196 €186
Fine +41km/h -* -* -* -*
LICENSE(1 80 100 130 170
*) The case will be brought before The Public Prosecution Service (Openbaar Ministerie) which will decide whether you will have to appear before a court and on what charge.
1) minimum 1 month, but exceeding the limit with 30km/h or more may withdraw your license – at least until trial.
Member of the European cross-country fine cooperation. Any traffic fine may arrive at your home address.
Fines may automatically be shared between Austria, Chech Republic, Cyprus, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, Netherlands, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden and United Kingdom.
3 km/h for up to 100 km/h measured, 3% of the measured speed otherwise, plus a correction of 3 km/h.

Be aware that there are special fines and restrictions at construction sites.

The speeding fines in Netherlands are calculated differently from other European countries. They are based on an algorithm and not a table. This means that the fines is not divided into standard categories, +1-15 km/h and so on. Instead, the fines are continually increasing for each km/h. The only way to get an exact fine seems to be the speeding fines calculator at Openbaar Ministerie (dutch only). This calculator was used for the table below.
If you break the limits with 30-40 km/h your offense goes to the state attorney, which may withdraw your license. If you break the limit with more than 100% the police can take your vehicle.
Netherlands in detail :
Speed(1 Fine (Euro)
30 km/h 37-40 km/h €76-108
41-50 km/h €137-260
51-59 km/h €277-423
+ 60 km/h **
LICENSE(2 + 80 km/h **
50 km/h 58-60 km/h €56-72
61-70 km/h €98-194
71-80 km/h €207-340
+ 81 km/h **
LICENSE(2 + 100 km/h **
80 km/h 87-90 km/h €45-68
91-100 km/h €92-185
101-110 km/h €196-324
+ 111 km/h **
LICENSE(2 + 130 km/h **
120 km/h 128-130 km/h €50-64
131-140 km/h €88-174
141-150 km/h €186-297
151-160 km/h €311-431
+ 161 km/h **
LICENSE(2 + 170 km/h **
1) The speed is the speed after a correction is applied, see below.
2) Minimum 1 month, but exceeding the limit with 30km/h or more may withdraw your license – at least until trial.
**) The case will be brought before The Public Prosecution Service (Openbaar Ministerie) which will decide whether you will have to appear before a court and on what charge.
Fines and reactions may change without any warnings.
Everybody gets a deduction to correct for the maximum measurement error of the instrument. The deduction is 3 kmh below 100 km/h, and 3 percent above 100 km/h. This means that the measured speed is always reduced by a minimum of three kilometres per hour.
On 80 km/h roads, the instruments are tuned at 87 km/h and on 100 km/h roads at 108 km/h. A speed lower than 87 or 108 km/h is not registered as an offence.
On nearly all roads, a minimum exceeding limit of 3 or 4 km/h is used below which no fine is imposed. Only for roads with a maximum speed of 130 there is no tolerance level, so that fines are imposed there from 1 km/h and more.
Except for beginner driving licenses, there is no penalty point system in the Netherlands.


  1. Someone
    04.11.2024 @ 19:50

    To put it simple for foreigners :

    There is a law in place called “Wet Mulder” , Mulder was the guy who invented it. And works like this:
    non highway roads : up to +30kmh you will get administrative ticket (M ticket , M = Mulder)
    highways roads : up to +40kmh you will get administrative ticket (M ticket , M = Mulder)
    Above these speeds = T ticket , T = Transaction. This will be determined by public prosecutor, in case of foreigners police will call him/her directly.

    Car will/ can only be confiscated it there are signs of drugs, criminal behavior, very dangerous driving and /or not able to pay speeding ticket M or T. Car will be impounded, costs for owner/driver.

    So be smart, drive within limits of “Wet Mulder”.


  2. Smith
    15.07.2024 @ 03:07

    Hi, l was driving from the UK to Germany at night and was doing 150 in 70 as l was really tired and just wanted to my destination got flashed in netherlands so probably doing double the speed limit, first question what would the fine be, and if l ignore it as l would never come back to netherlands would they chase me for payment in the uk


  3. Triple Dutch
    04.05.2024 @ 20:22

    Hello. I received 3 speeding tickets (10-15 km over on each one) in the Netherlands in September 2016. They came to me here in the USA many months later, via my place of business at the time, as the rental was organized by my business. I was in the process of changing employment and the notifications were lost in the move. I never received another notification. I’m now in the process of arranging travel to Denmark for business, but the itinerary has me changing planes in Amsterdam. This is the fist time I will have been in or passing through the country in 8 years. Am I going to have trouble in the airport in Amsterdam when I land?


  4. eBike range
    04.12.2023 @ 09:49


  5. Joost
    07.02.2022 @ 23:20

    On the official goverment website you can only see the fines till +30km/h. On a few websites, like on: you can see the fines for all up to +100. You can also ask questions if you got a fine from the CJIB or OM in the Netherlands.


  6. The Camera Eye
    27.10.2021 @ 19:20

    You can use 2 apps : Flitsmeister / Flitsservice for mobile enforcement 80% coverage + TC.
    TomTom radar flawless for Netherlands but you have to pay for it (fixed and TC).
    Radar : MRCT (mobile + fixed) and Gatso RT3 /4 (fixed only).
    Laserguns, mostly at large highway junctions, at the entrance of cities, usually motorcycle cops.
    If you want to drive sporty go to roads where there are a lot of bends and rural, no cops there. But drive with sense and go slow around people/houses.


  7. Van der Berg
    10.10.2021 @ 22:38


    I has pulled out of the street by a black car in a 50km/h street.

    My speed 91km/h max speed 50km/h

    I checked the whole street and there is no traffic sign indicating what is the speed, since my entry in the road. I literally thought it was 90km/h as it was the street that lead to the motorway (street van boetbergweg).

    I was visiting nigmegen.

    Do you think I have any chance? It had no traffic sign


  8. Gertjan
    17.06.2021 @ 19:22

    I was stopped by highway police who laser tagged me at 118 in a construction zone which was set at 70. (Regular speed limit was 120 at that time) He said after correction of 4kmph, I will receive fine for 44kmph above.

    He also said the fine will depend on my history etc etc. my question is,
    A) I did follow speed limit for most part and only increased speed when I saw the no speed limit board from a distance. 500-700meters.
    B) will this fine affect my certificate of good conduct. (VOG)
    C) how much fine I can expect ?

    Thank you in advance INO for taking time in responding to so many queries


  9. Max
    20.04.2021 @ 17:15

    ——— The Netherlands———-

    Please be aware that it is not the case that your license is withdrawn at 170. It depends, due to the nature of the varying speed limit on the highway. License withdrawn should say under normal circumstances at 155. When either 100, 120 or 130 km/h as speed limit is applicable, it is either: 155 (100), 176 (120) or 186 (130).

    According to the Public Prosecution Office (OM) the rules are the following:
    – Speed limit <100 km/h Correction 3 km/h
    – Speed limit 100 km/h or more Correction: 3% of the measured speed.

    According to the national government, license is withdrawn when speeding 50 km/h or higher above the speed limit after correction. In case of a scooter it's 30 km/h or greater.


    Please update this information!


  10. Inga
    20.02.2021 @ 11:42

    I have received a speeding form for 107 km/h on a 100 km/h road. According to the info posted I should not receive a fine unless the speed is above 108 km/h. Is this correct. Can I contest the fine?
    Many thanks


    • Max
      02.04.2021 @ 00:39

      Hi Inga. It’s actually 5km/h above the speedlimit in your case.


    • Max
      02.04.2021 @ 00:43

      Update: Hi Inga,
      You should not have been fined.
      Are you sure there was no temporary speed restriction in place? Cause speedlimits that are in yellow and above you (overhead) are temporary speed restrictions.


    • Max
      20.04.2021 @ 17:22

      You can try but you will fail. Speed limit is 100. Your speed is 107. 107/100*3 =3.21 km/h
      107-3.21 km/h = 103.79 km/h. You will get a fine for either 3 or 4 km/h above the speed limit. Depending on rounding of which I am not sure of.

      I hope this answer is sufficient.


    • Ieva
      28.08.2024 @ 07:41

      Hey, as i understand so, but I also received the ticket for 87km/h from the road where speed limit was 80km/h, and sum is kinda not normal for sure


  11. fankoza
    04.02.2021 @ 18:52

    I started receiving speeding fines (average mileage on a highway section was surpassed by 20 or 30 kmh) from NL around September 2020. I drive with Luxembourgish license plates, and in Luxembourg I reside, although i am a non-EU national. The total amount after all the reminders is around 1000 EUR now.

    What are the chances they will be sending those to Luxembourgish court to execute the fine out of my property?

    I have no problem being a wanted person in NL, i am willing to gamble as i don’t really go there often and when i dont take airplanes nor cross border controls, but I don’t want to have any problem in LU whatsoever as I am planning to apply for the citizenship here soon.

    Many thanks for the help


    • Max
      02.04.2021 @ 00:47


      It is very likely because Luxemburg is an EU country. Though wether or not the Luxemburg justice system will take action upon it I can’t comment.


    • Hans
      02.04.2021 @ 23:08

      Member of the European cross-country fine cooperation. Any traffic fine may arrive at your home address.
      Fines may automatically be shared between Austria, Chech Republic, Cyprus, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, Netherlands, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden and United Kingdom.


  12. Noemi
    27.01.2021 @ 11:32

    I have a question about how to inform the RDW that my car will be off the road once the APK has expired, as I will not be renewing the APK. Can you advise, so I can do this before the APK expires in June so i do not get a fine?

    Thank you


    • Max
      20.04.2021 @ 17:27

      Call this number: 0031 088 008 74 47. Or if in NL: 088 008 74 47. Select 0 for English.


  13. Noemi
    26.01.2021 @ 17:18

    I have a question.
    I want to know if i do not want to renew my APK on my car. How can i inform the car will not be used on the road once the apk has expired, so i do not get a fine?
    And who do i inform?

    Thank you.


    • Max
      02.04.2021 @ 00:49

      You’ll need to inform the RDW.
      Though if your car just stands still and doesn’t move you are not committing an offence.


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  15. Ben
    19.12.2020 @ 19:15

    I have received a letter from CJI saying i was driving 86 in a 50 zone and asking that i declare who was the driver.
    What penalties am i facing ?
    I must say that i passed this camera speeding many times because i didn’t know it was a radar….but only now i am geting 2 fines, although i was speeding in that area many more times over the course of 1 month.
    Is there a chance to say that i thought it was a 70 limit ? (there is an old 70 limit scratched off on the asphalt).
    The latest letter is from 7 December. Is it possible that they send other letter for days before 7 December ?
    (And do i risk having the vehicle taken considering i wasn’t aware of this during this 1 month in that place? )



    • Max
      02.04.2021 @ 00:52

      It depends, is it still readable within reason?
      It’s unlikely but not impossible that they will sent you the letters before 7/12

      Regarding your penalties, it depends.
      Roadworks Y/N
      If Y then your fine increases.
      You will get a fine.
      You will not loose your license.


  16. Ash F
    17.11.2020 @ 15:16

    Hi Ino

    I have caught speeding by 23kmh in Amsterdam, the offence took place in February 2019 but the notification has just come through from Centraal Justiteel Incassobureau this week (November 2020). Is there a law that requires the follow up to take place within a certain amount of time?


    • Bryan
      31.12.2020 @ 21:51

      I am not a lawyer, however, looking at the penal code of the netherlands, section 70 states that the statute of limitations is three years for all minor offences.


  17. Sayeed
    13.11.2020 @ 14:21

    Hi, Looking for reply,
    We went to Netherlands from Luxermbourg in the month of August 2020 and we received fine on Nov 13th 2020, Its my own car not rental, Is there any rule that, if the fine comes after 2 months, we no need to pay the fine? Please let me know.


    • Max
      02.04.2021 @ 00:54

      No, 2 months is well within the limit.
      I believe it’s 3 years.


  18. Charles Bowman
    12.07.2020 @ 11:09

    Sorry I also forgot to add that the police officers did not give me any form of paperwork to stated they stopped me or took my driving license. I am not sure where I stand atm.


    • Ino
      24.07.2020 @ 17:05

      Hi Charlie/Charles,

      With the modernisation there is no obligation of an immediate letter having taken the license, or the speeding offence. The confirmation letter is usually sent out the next day or two. I am personally of the opinion that it is completely logical that you don’t give a direct confirmation of any speeding offence, but not when your license has been taken as it is a legal document of identification in most countries (as it is in The Netherlands).



      • Ino
        24.07.2020 @ 17:14

        The correct e-mail address to reach me is


      • Mike Stratton
        24.08.2020 @ 11:47

        Hi Ino

        I was in Holland on the 5th of August and I have received 2 x speeding fines on the 19th of august back in the UK they were both for speeding 5 km/h over the speed limit today 24/8/2020 I have just received another speeding fine for going 21 kl/h over the speed limit. will I continue to receive speeding fines as the last 2 were on the same road N65. is there a deadline which after 14-days they cannot enforce any speeding fine by Dutch law?  Like in the UK the government has to send a letter to the driver within 14-days if the letter comes after the 14-days then it cannot be enforced.

        Many thanks



      • Jim
        19.01.2021 @ 16:51

        Hi Ino

        I can’t see how to make a new comment I’m sorry

        I just received a fine for travelling on the A4 near Schiphol at 99kmu where the speed limit is 100kmu. In the fine they say limit is 90kmu but this is not true, all the signs say 6:00-1900u 100kmu and 1900-6:00 is 130kmu

        Can you please advise me?


  19. Charlie Bowman
    12.07.2020 @ 10:55

    Hi Ino, I am so glad that I came across this thread. You seem to have good knowledge with the Dutch laws. I needed some advise if possible?

    Basically I traveled to Amsterdam last week and on my way there was a car on the motorway trying to force me to race with them as they were literally up my backside. I pulled in and gave it way, 10 mins later I went past this car and all of a sudden it started driving erratic again. Long story cut short, they turned out to be undercover police officers and they accused me of driving at 190km/h, honestly i was doing around 140-150km/h I told them that my maps indicated 100mp/h and that I couldn’t have been doing more than 160km/h. The officer replied and said okay you was doing 170km/h. Obviously being in a foreign country I felt like I was being mugged off. Yes I was over the limit and I admit that however how they drop 30km/h within seconds. Anyway the officer dint speak really good English. He told me that he made a call to someone higher who can advise him on what to do further.

    The officer on the phone told me that if I do not accept that I was going 70km/h over the speed limit he would seize my vehicle and take my license. He told me that my car would be sold at an auction. Obviously I dint really have a choice as my short break would have turned into a nightmare. I accepted liability immediately and my driving license was taken on the spot. He said that I would no longer be able to drive in The Netherlands and that if I was caught again, I could face a jail sentence and the car will be repossessed. Luckily both of my passengers held full driving licenses and were fully insured on the car. My cousin took over and we continued our journey to hell!

    Also, while we was in Amsterdam, I got a parking ticket. Now the issue is that the weather was really bad and it was raining cats and dogs. By the time I got to the vehicle, the parking ticket was soaked and unreadable. Where do I stand with this, and can this be appealed if it is chased back to me?

    I have a few questions below;

    1) I have been reading a few posts and have seen that they may impose a 2 months ban in Holland, I don’t mind this happening however will this affect my UK Driving License and would I need to report this to DVLA?

    2) They told me I would hear further in the next 10 working days. Officers told me I would get a hefty fine. If I get a 4 figure fine, I be honest I’m not really looking to pay it. Due to the pandemic I have been furloughed and paying a hefty fine does not make sense at the moment especially as I may not be visiting the country again. What are my options?

    3) Do you think I should report my license lost in order to get a new one as I currently do not have mine, or should I wait to get it back. I do not want to commit a crime by saying I have lost my license when It was revoked in Holland.

    Thanks in advance, I look forward to seeing a response.




    • Ino
      24.07.2020 @ 17:01

      Dear Charlie,

      First, the method of the stop. You were, as it sounds, stopped by the highway police. They generally drive visibly in Audi A6s, Volvo V70s and Volkswagen Passats. The undercover cars are usually Passats, Polos and Golfs. In most cases they do an average speed check, with a camera system in the car that they then offer to let you watch. The other alternative is a laser gun or a speed they have seen you driving on the car speed monitor. From you story, it sounds like the latter was the situation. In that case, the police is legally required to subtract a margin of the speed, which is usually rounded down significantly (as the last way of measuring speed is the least certain). This could explain the way it went down a lot after the first indication.

      Then question 1. When speeding over 50 km/h, the police has the legal obligation to take you license. For information on that, look at my reply to Julia’s post of the 9th of June 2020. The same applies to you concerning the fact that you didn’t hear anything. It is a highly automatised process, so it probably went wrong in addressing the letter. The ‘richtlijn’ (guideline) of the prosecutor’s office is that for speeding 50-69 km/h as first offence, it is a 2 month ban. All prosecutor guidelines are online, this one is here: Often, the ban is not enforced on foreigners (as they leave the country quickly because of vacation or business travel), or in special circumstances. If you speed more than 30 km/h in a built up area or 40 km/h on the highway/interstate, it goes on your administrative driving record for two years and the fine is higher if you speed again with those numbers in those two years. There is no system in which this goes to your insurance (as often happens in the USA) or to the driving board of a country (such as the DVLA). So, the Dutch prosecutor is not going to report this to the DVLA. I do not know if the DVLA has its own rules in reporting infractions like these.

      Then question 2. For the 10 days, see the answer above and Julia’s. For the amount of the fine: speeding with 70 km/h on a highway/interstate is code VL 075 and comes with a fine of EUR 1150 in regular circumstances, and a 4 month ban (2 months if 69 km/h speeding or lower). The decision is made by the (the Centrale Verwerking Openbaar Ministerie, the central traffic enforcement office of the prosecutor), and the collection by CJIB (Centraal Justitieel Incassobureau, the central justice debt collection agency). It is always possible to get a payment plan, mainly in corona times. The CJIB website is translated, see If you disagree with the fine, you can always appeal (

      Then question 3. This is mostly a question of conscience. Technically, it’s not lost because you know exactly where it is. Depending on the local rules, I would not report it as stolen or lost, but that’s your own decision.

      And last but not least, the parking ticket. You indicate it was soaked when you got to the car. As with most fines, this is also highly automated. That means that the ticket you get on your car is only a reminder, which is not even put on the car in a lot of cities anymore, as it is all digitalised. You will get a regular letter in the mail with a payment request, if the fine was deemed fairly issued by the person who checks it at the local government (if it is an administrative parking fine because you have not paid for parking) or the national CJIB (if you parked illegally, as in: the wrong spot/sidewalk/too close to a corner).

      I don’t check this website, so if the response is more quickly needed, e-mail me at



    • Ino
      24.07.2020 @ 17:08

      Dear Charlie, First, the method of the stop. You were, as it sounds, stopped by the highway police. They generally drive visibly in Audi A6s, Volvo V70s and Volkswagen Passats. The undercover cars are usually Passats, Polos and Golfs. In most cases they do an average speed check, with a camera system in the car that they then offer to let you watch. The other alternative is a laser gun or a speed they have seen you driving on the car speed monitor. From you story, it sounds like the latter was the situation. In that case, the police is legally required to subtract a margin of the speed, which is usually rounded down significantly (as the last way of measuring speed is the least certain). This could explain the way it went down a lot after the first indication.

      Then question 1. When speeding over 50 km/h, the police has the legal obligation to take you license. For information on that, look at my reply to Julia’s post of the 9th of June 2020. The same applies to you concerning the fact that you didn’t hear anything. It is a highly automatised process, so it probably went wrong in addressing the letter. The ‘richtlijn’ (guideline) of the prosecutor’s office is that for speeding 50-69 km/h as first offence, it is a 2 month ban. All prosecutor guidelines are online, this one is here: Often, the ban is not enforced on foreigners (as they leave the country quickly because of vacation or business travel), or in special circumstances. If you speed more than 30 km/h in a built up area or 40 km/h on the highway/interstate, it goes on your administrative driving record for two years and the fine is higher if you speed again with those numbers in those two years. There is no system in which this goes to your insurance (as often happens in the USA) or to the driving board of a country (such as the DVLA). So, the Dutch prosecutor is not going to report this to the DVLA. I do not know if the DVLA has its own rules in reporting infractions like these.

      See next post


    • Ino
      24.07.2020 @ 17:09

      Then question 2. For the 10 days, see the answer above and Julia’s. For the amount of the fine: speeding with 70 km/h on a highway/interstate is code VL 075 and comes with a fine of EUR 1150 in regular circumstances, and a 4 month ban (2 months if 69 km/h speeding or lower). The decision is made by the (the Centrale Verwerking Openbaar Ministerie, the central traffic enforcement office of the prosecutor), and the collection by CJIB (Centraal Justitieel Incassobureau, the central justice debt collection agency). It is always possible to get a payment plan, mainly in corona times. The CJIB website is translated, see If you disagree with the fine, you can always appeal (
      Then question 3. This is mostly a question of conscience. Technically, it’s not lost because you know exactly where it is. Depending on the local rules, I would not report it as stolen or lost, but that’s your own decision.

      And last but not least, the parking ticket. You indicate it was soaked when you got to the car. As with most fines, this is also highly automated. That means that the ticket you get on your car is only a reminder, which is not even put on the car in a lot of cities anymore, as it is all digitalised. You will get a regular letter in the mail with a payment request, if the fine was deemed fairly issued by the person who checks it at the local government (if it is an administrative parking fine because you have not paid for parking) or the national CJIB (if you parked illegally, as in: the wrong spot/sidewalk/too close to a corner). I don’t check this website, so if the response is more quickly needed, e-mail me at



    • Ino
      24.07.2020 @ 17:13

      Then question 2. For the 10 days, see the answer above and Julia’s. For the amount of the fine: speeding with 70 km/h on a highway/interstate is code VL 075 and comes with a fine of EUR 1150 in regular circumstances, and a 4 month ban (2 months if 69 km/h speeding or lower). The decision is made by the (the Centrale Verwerking Openbaar Ministerie, the central traffic enforcement office of the prosecutor), and the collection by CJIB (Centraal Justitieel Incassobureau, the central justice debt collection agency). It is always possible to get a payment plan, mainly in corona times. The CJIB website is translated, see If you disagree with the fine, you can always appeal (

      Then question 3. This is mostly a question of conscience. Technically, it’s not lost because you know exactly where it is. Depending on the local rules, I would not report it as stolen or lost, but that’s your own decision.

      And last but not least, the parking ticket. You indicate it was soaked when you got to the car. As with most fines, this is also highly automated. That means that the ticket you get on your car is only a reminder, which is not even put on the car in a lot of cities anymore, as it is all digitalised. You will get a regular letter in the mail with a payment request, if the fine was deemed fairly issued by the person who checks it at the local government (if it is an administrative parking fine because you have not paid for parking) or the national CJIB (if you parked illegally, as in: the wrong spot/sidewalk/too close to a corner).

      Greetings, Ino


  20. Mike
    10.07.2020 @ 09:30

    If your car’s APK has expired and you still travel on the roads, can the speed/traffic cameras identify your number and issue a fine?


    • Ino
      24.07.2020 @ 16:30

      Hi Mike,

      The enforcement of the APK (for other readers: the yearly check if your car is still roadworthy) is not done by cameras. It is automatically done by the RDW (the Rijksdienst voor het Wegverkeer, the national governmental road agency). If your car has not been ‘geschorst’ (administratively taken off the road by reporting this to the RDW), then they assume it is still driving around and if the APK has not been done, you automatically run the risk of getting a fine of EUR 130. It is sent by the CJIB (Centraal Justitieel Incassobureau, the central justice debt collection agency). This only happens after two months, in which you have gotten an warning letter.



  21. Julia
    09.06.2020 @ 14:08

    Last month my husband was stopped by police for speeding in holland, limit was 70km/hr where was road works, and the speed was 130km/hr.
    They took the license, but until now there is no news, we live in Uk. Who can I contact to find out what is happening? And how to get the license back?
    Appreciate if someone can advise.
    Thank you.



    • Ino
      24.07.2020 @ 16:27

      Hi Julia,

      The police has a legal obligation to revoke your license immediately in the Netherlands if you’re speeding more than 50 km/h over the limit, so at least it’s been taken according to law. You indicate you haven’t heard yet. The prosecutor has to decide within 10 days what they do with the license. Either you will receive it back and the fine will be decided on later, or they will keep it until the court case (which is usually the case when it involves speeding in a construction zone). Of both decisions you will receive a letter, so that is where it must have gone wrong. Just send out your question to (the Centrale Verwerking Openbaar Ministerie, the central traffic enforcement office of the prosecutor, that physically has the license), or call them at +31 88 699 6666 on workdays 08-17hrs.



  22. Paul
    03.06.2020 @ 21:02

    Enterprise car rental want me to pay 145 euro for an alleged speeding offence that took place 22 months ago in the Netherlands.
    according to the paperwork i was doing 86km in a 70km zone.
    Does this sound right?


    • Ino
      24.07.2020 @ 16:22

      Hi Paul,

      Fines usually arrive within a week with a new camera and within two weeks with older ones. Enterprise is known to not be very quick with sending on the fines, but 22 months is very slow. You should have received the fine document, so if that is legit, they probably just sent it in too late. The fine price is currently EUR 127 + EUR 9 administration costs, so including the administration fee the number seems correct.



  23. Sandra
    03.06.2020 @ 10:50

    Hello, I need a bit of help. I just got a speeding ticket stating that I was driving 87km/h on the road where the limit is 50km/h. And it stated that the place where this happend. The problem is I was never there, nor have I borrowed my car to anyone. I dont know Amsterdam very well so I know  that I only drive to work and back. The place stated on the ticket is 50 km outside Amsterdam. Could anyone tell ke what is the fine in this kind of situation?


    • Ino
      24.07.2020 @ 16:20

      Hi Sandra,

      You indicate that you got a speeding ticket, but were not the driver. In very few occasions, there can be a mistake, e.g. if the car was stolen, the plates were stolen of there are multiple similar plates criminally used. You can request it through Since it was a 50 road, and the speeding infraction was > 30 km/h you will be requested to verify the driver. If it was not you, indicate so. You are required, as the registered owner or user in case of a rental car, to provide the driver. Otherwise you will have to pay the fine (so, definitely send in the request to get the picture). The fine is usually around the km/h that you were speeding x 10.



  24. Libor M
    02.03.2020 @ 09:30

    Not sure if the 120 on highways in a correct limit. I think it is 130 km/h. Btw, I received a letter from Hertz that they paid in my name a fine – Speed limit 130, measured 136, after reduction (measurement error) 131km/h !!!!! Fine 12 EUR, 9 EUR camera system fee and…. 30.5 EUR admin fee from Hertz !!!!!! i am going to appeal this as I had set my cruise control (tempomat) to 130.


    • Ino
      01.05.2020 @ 20:23

      Hi Libor,
      The general limit in the Netherlands has been 130 km/h on highways for a while now. The information on the page is indeed incorrect. Since the 12th of March 2020 the speed limit on all highways is at most 100 km/h during 06-19h every day, to bring down emissions after the government lost a court case that deemed measures insufficient. The maximum limit of 130 km/h applies 19-06h, although a lot of highways are still 120 km/h at those times.

      As indicated on this page, there is no tolerance level for 130 km/h limits. As the systems are automated and checked regularly, appeals concerning the argument that you put the cruise control at 130 km/h are generally refused. Hertz paid the fine, as fines under 40 km/h speeding on motorways are considered administrative fines, for which the liability lies with the owner of the car.

      Greetings, Ino


      • Julia
        26.05.2020 @ 23:53

        Please could you give an advice, police took driving license for speeding, it was road work 70km/h and the speed was 130km/h.
        Its already passed 11 days since the day, and there is no news, I don’t know whether they will contact me or i have to contact them? If yes, then where??
        Thank you in advance


    • Misio
      05.05.2020 @ 22:18

      Hi I’m Italian and I received by post  in italy a letter from the Centraal Justitiel Incassobureau that  inform me that 20 days ago  I exceeded the speed limit of 46 km/h  that was  in a central ring road in Groningen where the limit speed was 50 and I was 99km/h less 3 for corrections was defined 96km/h. In the letter  ask me who was driving and to contact them  by web or phone. I confirm  by web that I was driving . Now what I have to aspect ?  I’m working in Nederland and I just processing the registration now .. it’s a risk for my drive license ? How much can be in case the fine ?


      • Max
        02.04.2021 @ 01:05

        Hi Misio,
        Your fine will be decided by the prosecutors office (OM) because you were speeding >30 km/h above the limit.
        No you’ll keep your license.
        It will be put on your driving record which basically means if you speed again the fine will be more than the standard fine is.


  25. JdB
    17.01.2020 @ 15:53

    Driving in Netherlands is a nightmare. It is even worse if you are a visitor, unaware of the geography. Not friendly at all. i also got a fine, driving 56 Km/h were the limit is 50. Worse… so concerned about safety, yet, lot of people careless driving bicicles, crossing roads, like if they owned it… it is the metal on my car, but it will be your bones!!!! even worse, people riding small motorcycles without helmet!!! Yes, they ride slow… 30km/h ( or at least they should)… but try to fall from those motorcycles at 30 km/h and see if you dont pay a visit to hospital. Yet, it is legal. what a disapointment… dont worry Dutch traffic agency whatever, i will pay the fine.


    • Ino
      01.05.2020 @ 20:53

      Hi JdB,

      Yes, welcome to the weird feeling you can get when driving in the Netherlands (mainly first times). As regular driver here, you get used to it – also because everybody bikes themselves too. The traffic law also works on the Betriebsgefahr rule, which means as much as that the driver of a motorised vehicle is deemed to be at fault for damages incurred to non-motorised vehicles, unless there is force majeure (which in a city is only at fault, jokingly: when a person on a bike falls out of a tree).

      Greetings, Ino


  26. David
    01.10.2019 @ 14:15

    HI – I received a notice and invoice of speeding fine on 30.09.19 plus admin from a rental care company in Schiphol for a speeding office that took place 25.05.18 and was stamped as received by the rental car company 11.07.18 i.e. circa 14.5 months ago. Do I still have to pay this or are the rental car company obliged to inform me sooner?


    • Ino
      01.05.2020 @ 20:27

      Hi David,

      I’ll reply even though it’s been a while since the question, so it can be useful for others. There is no obligation by law for the rental company to inform you within a certain time. This is a contract issue between the renter and rental company. Generally I consider it to be unfair if they send the fine at a time at which you are unable to file a possible appeal (usually six weeks after it has been issued). I would in these situations definitely check with the rental company why this had to take so long.

      Greetings, Ino


  27. Georeg
    08.09.2019 @ 16:02

    I got a rather hefty fine in the mail, 559 euros. It was on the way to the airport to go home, of course… and on a highway where I was doing the speed limit most of the way, but it must have dropped in a construction zone where at 4AM no one was working. Anyways, if the fine was 50-100 euros I’d be understanding, but this fine is rather insanely high… so, just curious what you all think about my recourse. From what I’ve read others say, it seems I should pay it or plan on never going to Netherlands ever again lol….


    • Ino
      01.05.2020 @ 20:35

      Hi Georeg,

      I’ll reply even though it’s been a while since the question, so it can be useful for others. The sum of the fine is up to basically zero debate, as they are standardized. Generally, higher speed fines for construction zones are only imposed if there is active work or e.g. the lanes are temporarily smaller because of the works. Sadly, fines around EUR 50-100 in the Netherlands are reserved for minor parking infractions (95) and others.

      What should be considered is that if the speeding exceeds 30 km/h (or 40 on the highway), a letter is normally sent out to confirm the driver. This, because those speeding offenses are not administrative, but ‘criminal’. If you rent a car and are the single named driver, it is hard to deny anything. An imposed fine is then put on your record. If a new criminal road law infraction/speeding happens in the following two years, it generally means a two month driving ban.

      Greetings, Ino


  28. Michael
    04.09.2019 @ 13:10

    I had literally just entered NL from Belgium 60 seconds prior and got pulled over for ‘crossing a white line on the motorway’. I have today upon my return received a 150EUR fine!! I have no recollection of crossing ‘the line’ and the officer that stopped me provided no proof. Fine Code is ‘R617A’. Would appreciate any help in contesting this?


    • Ino
      01.05.2020 @ 20:43

      Hi Michael,

      I’ll reply even though it’s been a while since the question, so it can be useful for others. The code indicates crossing a solid white line that is illegal to cross, with traffic moving in one way (traffic in two ways is a higher fine because the danger is higher). I can’t say much about the specific situation as a location is not provided, but since Google Street View is virtually available everywhere, I advise to search the location of the infraction to try to see what the situation was.

      Greetings, Ino


  29. Bill S.
    19.07.2019 @ 22:04

    I was in the Netherlands in May, mostly in Tilburg.  I’ve now started getting ticket notices from the rental company.  It’s up to six!  This is insane!  I generally observed the speed limits, kept up with traffic around me and I was never stopped.  These must be from cameras but I didn’t see a single notice of cameras!  I live in the US.  

    Any advice?


    • Bill S.
      24.07.2019 @ 19:53

      Two more showed up!  6 of the 8 are on the same street in the town I stayed in.  Hidden speed cam with no sign indicating it is there!


      • Attaboy
        31.07.2019 @ 02:34

        Hi Bill,

        This is not uncommon in The Netherlands. It is not required by law to have signage for speed cams. It’s also very common to see ‘mobile’ speed cams (traps) conducted by the police in different places on different times. From reading your story I believe you’ve driven past a “flitspaal” (fixed speed cam on a certain street) a couple of times without noticing. Larger towns and cities are full of them. As for whether or not you should pay the tickets, I’ll leave that up to you, but if you’re planning on visiting in the future, let’s say the Dutch are not a forgetful people 😉


      • Daniel Williams
        05.08.2019 @ 12:25

        Yeah they have no obligation to signpost speed cameras or red light cameras. The only time they do is when you go into an average speed check area.


        • Mauro
          19.12.2019 @ 09:33

          What do you mean by average speed check area?

      • Zon
        22.05.2020 @ 21:25

        Can you tell wich is the street?


  30. George
    18.07.2019 @ 13:42

    four days after returning the car to Hertz in Eindhoven airport I received an email and realized that for a 4km/h penalty (limit was 80km/h) I’ll pay 63 euros (30 to Hertz and 33 for the fine). And who knows if I have to expect more…
    I just want to mention how difficult is to drive in unknown roads and have to keep your eyes on the road, the other vehicles (they all went faster), the GPS sign, the road speed limits and your speed at the same time.
    I accept many of your explanations above but I still believe that for such minus limit excesses the only reason to fine somebody is money collection.
    Lets hope that the tickets will be cheaper than the total car rental fee…


  31. Angela Haldron
    09.07.2019 @ 14:24

    I think this is wrong.  I recently got a fine in Maastricht. 100km limit. I did 110. They “gemiddeled” this at 106km per hour and i was fined €48. Nowhere on this chart dies this appear.


    • Max
      02.04.2021 @ 01:10

      There is not really a chart. Fines increase by standard rate. Going 5 km/h above the speed limit in a 30 zone is cheaper than in an 80 zone.


      • Michael
        11.06.2024 @ 19:39

        Do traffic cameras issue demerit points?


  32. Pauli van
    30.05.2019 @ 14:17

    Is there a period of issue?
    Ticket in May for driving in January.
    Live in NL, NL registered car.
    Thought it was odd, logged in and no ticket. Reminder today and logged in, ticket is there.


    • Nicolas
      22.06.2019 @ 15:58

      No is quite normal.
      I lived here in holland for over 10years They iusse so so many tickets for speeding etc (Its quite a racket) And due to this there automated system just simply gets to you when and when.

      If your due a fine, you will eventually get it.
      however the payment  must be prompt, unless you can physically prove you was not speeding. Your not even really able to dispute it.
      I was issued a ticket from a cop car, he stated I was speed to the excess of 130kph however I know I wasn’t. He didn’t provide any evidence to his allegations. However I had to pay an enormous fine! As I could not prove he was lying or mistaken.
      A truly just system. NOT!


  33. Merk
    24.05.2019 @ 19:23


    I received a speeding fine from Netherlands last week, just wondering what happens if I don’t pay it and all reminders will ignore, can this be passed to UK authorities, and what than UK authorities can do? Coz i red some articles where it was said that if you dont pay than its passed to UK authority who will deal with that, anyone had that problem? any letters from UK authorities for chasing payment?  Thank you


    • Ino
      04.06.2019 @ 22:57

      Since 2017 the fines can be collected in the UK from other European countries. It is smart to pay. The specific actions depend on the severity of the fine, but the Dutch collection service works pretty negatively efficient for offenders. The elevated fines for late payment in the Netherlands are very high and at some point you might be caught at the border.


    • Elizabeth McPherson
      19.07.2019 @ 08:04

      My rental car company is coming to me two 1/2 months after I was in the Netherlands claiming I was speeding. Obviously I can’t go over to fight the ticket, but what proof do I have that this is all on the up and up.

      My rental car company upgraded my car for free and this 2020 Volvo showed you the speed limit so you didn’t speed. Since this was my first time driving in Europe, I followed this very carefully.
      And now I’m being told I was speeding during a time frame that the roads were congested due to traffic. I truly can’t see how I could have been speeding and since no one actually pulls you over and gives you a ticket like they do in the states, I feel like it’s a scam from the rental car company. Because they claim it happened  25 minutes before I returned the car.

      Is there anything I can do to fight this without going back to the Netherlands?  This just sucks!


      • Max
        02.04.2021 @ 01:12

        You’d need proof. And if you have none, then no.


  34. Tsvetomir Lazarov
    11.04.2019 @ 15:48

    Hi. I just came back from the Netherlands and received a letter for speed violation of 109 km/h in a 100-limit area – 40 euros plus 23 administrative fee from SIXT.
    Because the traffic offence is at the beginning of the rental, I worry if others fines will arrive. How long does it take in the Netherlands to report the car rental company the violation? It’s been almost a week since I returned the car. Thanks everybody.


  35. Tsvetomir
    11.04.2019 @ 15:28

    Hi. I just came back from the Netherlands and received a letter for speed violation of 109 km/h in a 100-limit area – 40 euros plus 23 administrative fee from SIXT.
    Because the  traffic offence is at the beginning of the rent, I worry if others fines will arrive. How long does it take in the Netherlands to report the car rental company the violation? It’s been almost a week since I returned the car. Thanks everybody.


    • Ino
      23.04.2019 @ 01:57

      Sixt is pretty quick in sending on the tickets. For other companies it’s known to take up to six months. Most active cameras in the Netherlands are now digital which means the ticket arrives at the registered owner / leaser of the car within seven days. It’s then of course up to the rental agency to send it on to you.


  36. Nick
    05.04.2019 @ 13:58

    I got caught this morning speeding 128 in a big street close to the airport of Amsterdam (two lines street). The limit was 70, so it is higher than 50 km/h. I am not sure about the limit of 70 to be sincere.
    They took my driving license and they called a translator to make me some question in a precise way.
    I got them on the phone and I said that i didn’t see the signal and the street is big enough and did not realize that I was speeding that much. I asked them if they were sure and they told me that they were using a laser, so yes.
    At the end I didn’t admit that I was speeding and I didn’t see the proof (probably they have the proof).
    I told them that when I drive i watch the road and not the speed indicator.
    I deny to sign their paper and the transcription of the conversation because they wrote in dutch and I can’t understand what I was signing. They are going to send me the translation soon. At the moment I have only one paper that certify that they took my driving license. No other documentation.

    Now, what you suggest me to do? Am I going in front of the judge?
    Expected time?? Expected fine??

    Do you suggest me to appeal to the eventual decision? Speak with a lawyer?


    • Ino
      23.04.2019 @ 01:55

      The police is obligated to confiscate your license if you speed 50+ over the limit. Obviously ‘looking at the road’ instead of at the signs shouldn’t lead to you driving 128 in a 70 zone. After the license is confiscated, it is sent to the CVOM (Centrale Verwerking Openbaar Ministerie, translates to: Central Processing Authority of the Public Prosecution Service), which will decide in 10 days. The general rule is that you lose the right to drive in the Netherlands for two months minimum. You can contest the decision of the Public Prosecutor’s Office in court.


  37. John Hansson
    01.04.2019 @ 16:43

    How long time is the statute of limitations for fines in Holland. I got an 1000 euro fine from the court in 2003. Is it safe to travel by Schipool now ?


    • Ino
      23.04.2019 @ 01:51

      The statute of limitation applies to you actually getting the fine. If you’ve been issued the fine, it’ll stay there forever and they can pull you to the side at Schiphol.


  38. Raul ML
    14.03.2019 @ 00:50

    What do you think about this temporary letter? Tomorrow I will addd something else in case someone here is able to help me furthe. Could you please assist with this below?

    I live in Poland, I’ve rented a car in Netherlands in January and I’ve received 2 fines for 58 and 52 Euros for driving at 108 and 107 Km/h  (8 km and 7 Kms of speed excess) on a 100 km/h road (speed lower than 108 km/h is not registered as an offence in a 100 km/h road in the Netherlands).

    Dear Sir / Madam,
    I am contacting you regarding the CJIB Numbers: …., with dates 17-01-2019 and 18-01-2019, in the Netherlands a traffic offense was committed with the vehicle with license plate…

    First of all, I would like to show my absolute dissatisfaction with the resolution of both infractions, so I would like to submit this claim before the end of the corresponding period,  on March 25 2019.
    Moreover, please have a look on the following link:

    This statement states that, in the Netherlands,  on 100 km/h roads, the instruments are tuned at 108 km/h. A speed lower than 108 km/h is not registered as an offence.
    Therefore, I would like to submit a claim regarding the traffic offense in which is stated that the speed was corrected to 107 km/h, on 17-01-2019, as it is under 108 km/ and is non registered as an offence and also regarding the other traffic offence which states that the speed was corrected in 108 km/, on 18-01-2019, as it is in the speed excess limit for don’t be registered and considered as an offence.

    As a result, I would like to inform you that, due to the reason given above, where the speed infringement regulations are clearly set out in the Netherlands, I am not obliged and I am exempt from paying the amounts of 58 Euros and 52 Euros that I am required to pay for the 2 traffic infractions since driving below 108 km / h on roads in the Netherlands where a speed limit set at 100 km / h is envisaged is not registered as a offense in the Netherlands.

    Thank you a lod in advance guys!!!


    • Remy
      27.03.2019 @ 23:48

      You can’t rely on data on this website, maybe on the data from Openbaar Ministerie (OM), but even there they have every right to claim that the information isn’t up-to-date and therefore not valid anymore. According to OM going 108 in a 100 zone is a punishable offense, while 107 isn’t. 108 in a 100 zone is subject to a 24 EUR penalty as per OM. Even if the infractions were committed in close succession, you’re still liable for both.


  39. Remy
    23.02.2019 @ 01:24

    Don’t wanna offend anyone here, but why do someone people speed as hell and expect to get away with it? I mean just by observing the traffic flow you’ll see that most people observe the speed limit (+ tolerance) and maintain an appropriate safety distance: if it’s 100 it’s 100, if it’s 50 it’s 50, and so on. That’s my experience after driving about 10km in the past few years, mostly in the south of NL. Consider yourself lucky because in Slovenia doing 95+ in a zone 50 will lead to permanent license suspension – it’s possible you’ll have to retake the written and practical driving test in your country and you may end up losing your vehicle for good. Just because speed limits in US, Canada, Australia, Pakistan, South Korea, etc. are outdated and disregarded doesn’t mean that it’s like that everywhere. Ultimately, it’s your responsibility to make sure you fully understand the traffic rules of the country you’ll be driving in. In France you a need a breathalyzer for instance, in Switzerland it’s strictly prohibited to have speed camera warnings on your navigation (including cell phones). Also it doesn’t need to be indicated on the informational speed limit board upon entering the country to be codified in the traffic code and enforced. In the end of the day respect the speed limits (or drive within a reasonable margin of 5% over like I do), and everything will be okay. For adrenaline seekers Germany isn’t far, and there you can drive as much as you want on certain Autobahn section.

    One note for the European drivers: it might also depend on the judicial practices of the authorities in your home country. Slovenian courts had a long-standing practices of outright turning down any foreign fines lower than 70 EUR (this includes both parking, speeding, other traffic violations and I guess also other non-traffic related infractions). I remember Austrian authorities openly complaining about that (I think it was in 2011 or 2012). Not sure if it has changed since then though.


    • Angel
      01.03.2019 @ 07:53

      Remy you are 100% right. The Netherlands has relatively low speed limits comparing to the amazing quality of the asphalt used and the multiple and huge lanes in highways. The reason is of course is the traffic which is very intense and the universities who did the calculations prove that with lower speeds you transfer bigger mass of traffic.
      We have also to admit that out of rush hours a 5 lanes highway with 100km/h speed limit (new A1) is UNREALISTIC and  since there is no sign to indicate that the limit is only valid for specific hours, this speed limit is CLEARLY for money collection. Of course this is one of HUNDREDS of examples I can give, like in some extra urban roads (around the a city) where the UNREALISTIC speed of 50 km/h (with numerous cameras) is breached by police cars when they only slow down on the camera just not to get caught (like all other citizens) and then they reach the REALISTIC speeds of 70-80. It is clear that it is a MONEY COLLECTION mechanism and it strongly serves the purpose of the people who created these measures.


      • Remy
        20.05.2019 @ 11:34

        There are other reasons to consider as well with these seamingly unreasonable 100 zones. At 30 km/h reduction in speed limit during rush hour will lenghten the time before jams start forming, as vehicles can decrease their safety distance by 19m , hence allowing more vehicles to “fit” into the the “constrained space” (a.k.a. freeway capacity is expanded). CO2 emissions at 100 are significantly lower than at 130, or if you drive an EV (there are tens of thousands of them on Dutch roads) your range will be some 20-25% higher at 100 compared to 130. Lower speed limits will encourage those that are in a hurry to take one of the numerous trains (usually going at around 130, but up to 160 on the HSL Zuid). Noise pullution is also curbed, and I also believe that asphalt wear can be slowed down some what. So while it might seam it’s a pure money trap, it’s actually a pretty intelligent way to alleviate the negative externalities of road traffic 😉


  40. Tesla Speed Tested On Dutch Highways — Constantly! | CleanTechnica
    27.01.2019 @ 05:15

    […] drivers were more likely to speed than those in private cars. Dutch speeding tickets are among the highest in Europe, ranging from €147 ($167) to €337 ($380). Higher fines for speeding (and other […]


  41. shola oye
    21.12.2018 @ 16:23

    I live in the USA and I visited Netherland in November. I just received a letter about speeding fine for 197euros. after that, Enterprise charged me four times for Admin fees saying that they sent my information four times?

    Is this right? why do they need to send my information four times?
    Does it also mean that I should expect three more fine letters from CJIB?

    I don’t even understand the speed limits over there and I made sure not to exceed anywhere that it is obvious. This is my first time in the Netherlands.

    Please advise on how I should approach this.


  42. paul carling
    06.12.2018 @ 23:08

       I Received a speeding letter from Netherlands for September 84km in a 50kn zone it was a hire car rental through work and I’m not sure who was driving the car at the time there were 5 people who use to drive it. I was named on the Car rental agreement because I was first to pick car up from Airport, I requested picture evidence which they sent me, but this only shows back of Vehicle???. What should I do now can I request a new picture hopefully showing the front of car and then to identify who was driving???? If I was driving I will gladly pay, but not if I was not driving at the time, What should I do next???? any advice greatly appreciated

                                                                                                                 Thanks Paul


    • Ino
      29.12.2018 @ 21:54

      In the Netherlands the owner of the car / registered renter is liable to pay for the fine. There isn’t a system in which you have to indicate the driver. You as the primary renter are therefore liable for the fine. Dutch cameras take pictures from the back, so the drivers are not visible. The infraction always indicates time and location, so based on that you should be able to trace back who was driving the vehicle.


      • Mina
        10.03.2019 @ 14:00

        In 2016 I received a speeding ticket in Dutch (mailed to my address in Romania) for having gone over the speed limit in a rental car. I have not paid that because I lost the letter. I have not received reminders for it. How can I check my status with the competent Dutch authorities? I plan on returning there and would like to avoid problems upon entering the country. Thank you.


        • Ino
          23.04.2019 @ 02:04

          The ticket will then still be registered to your information. You should contact the CJIB (government department that handles fine payments) for more information. Their website has been translated to Romanian:

  43. Mack
    01.12.2018 @ 08:35

    I have recently been stopped by  bike police  catching me up as I was overtaking a vehicle but from some distance to catch me up his motorcycle reached 160 in a 80 km/h industrial area I wasn’t driving so fast to warrant what came next he looked at his sort tachograph which showed his own speed and said this was my speed ,I asked please prove that because I wasn’t doing your bike speed as he was catching me up after corrected speed he said I was travelling at 145km/h and i contested this directly as i also had two passengers in the car with me at the time. I admitted that to overtake the wagon i was doing 10 -15 km over but definitely not his speed .
    to cut a long story short they are taking me to court and banned me immediately ,I thought you were innocent until proven guilty


    • Ino
      29.12.2018 @ 21:52

      This isn’t a criminal case, but a traffic offense situation. The calculations of the police are on tape (average speed measurement of 16+ seconds) or on the LIDAR device (laser measurement). If it’s over 50 km/h above the speed limit, your license is immediately withdrawn. Of course I can’t comment on the specific situation as I wasn’t there.


  44. Ersin
    30.11.2018 @ 20:12

    There are some speed limit sign with a time range. What does that mean?
    For example :
    120 km/h (06-19u)

    I understand the limit is 120 between these hours but what is the limit after 19pm?


    • Ino
      29.12.2018 @ 21:49

      The general speed limit is 130 km/h. If it says 120 km/h (06-19u) it means that the limit is lower than the general limit of 130 between the listed times. This means that 120 is the limit from 06:00 hrs until 19:00 hrs. There’s a five minute grace period around the times.


  45. Paul Cowles
    01.11.2018 @ 20:44

    I am not European, I live in Zambia. Just go a 93 euro fine for speeding in my rental car last week in Netherlands. Just got the ticket passed to me by the car rental company.

    Now I am fine to pay. How do I pay with a credit card? Bank transfers from African banks are a nightmare!

    Any suggestions?


  46. Sriram
    19.10.2018 @ 13:13

    I am an Indian national living in UK and  visited Netherlands  in May 2018. I drove a rented car for 4 days using my Indian Driving License. Got a couple of speeding tickets from Netherlands to my UK address. I haven’t paid the fine yet and got  couple of reminders with increased penalties. I got my UK driving license now. What could be the impact with in UK if I ignore these speeding tickets from Netherlands


    • Ino
      29.12.2018 @ 21:48

      Usually the rental company will be charging the fines back from you, as the Dutch rule is that the owner of the car is responsible for the tickets. Depending on the amount of the fine, they can now quite easily start a bailiff procedure between NL/UK.


    • Mel
      27.02.2019 @ 20:27

      Siram, what was the outcome of your speeding fine? Facing a similar situation. Thanks in advanced


    • Gary Cummings
      11.04.2019 @ 14:40

      Hi Sriram

      I can tell my experiences (twice)
      I got the ticket due to speeding in a rental car. So rental company had my credit card Nd address details to pass to the police.
      I ignored the reminder and the reminder reminder and the fine was now fro€48 to €60 to €120.

      There was significant time delays between reminders.
      I then had to fly back to Netherlands, and I got stopped at passport control on re entry, so it has nothing to do with your driving license, it is your name and possibly passport number (as the rental company has this too).
      I simply paid the fine and carried on as normal, incidentally the fine registered in the system was still €48, so “got away” with that.

      A year or two later same situation, this time I revisited by air a year later, having driven my car on all other trips to my customer, this time it was oddly on exit that I got pulled up, paid the fine and continued to departure hall, this time it was the €120 registered in the system.

      So, if you don’t pay you will be sent reminders but you may choose to ignore them and if you drive your car over there they won’t know you are there and shouldn’t have any issues. But if you were stopped by police for anything or fly and pass customs control, then you name will ping the system. Watching a bored custom officers face when a name suddenly flashes red before him is quite amusing and we had quite a laugh about it…
      I did find it difficult to make the bank transfer due to insufficient info on the form for my building society and calling the numbers on the form could not get me the bank name and address, that’s why I didn’t pay the first one, and why I didn’t even bother trying when the 2nd one came throug


  47. Vinod Wooluvar
    27.09.2018 @ 21:08

     I think traffic fines in Netherlands especially in Amsterdam are ridiculous. Few years back I received a fine of 275 euros for changing lanes on solid lines. The truth though was both lanes were full with standing traffic, and by the time I managed to change the lane the dotted line had just turned to solid. It was no rash driving or anything it was done at abt 5km/hr and just because until you get close to the signal , you dont know whether your lane turns or goes straight.
    And the second incident was last week, when I had parked near Monk boulder gym , I paid my parking and got out , when  a friend called up and said he wants to join , so i pulled over for 5 mins on an empty parking bay on an empty road with zero traffic . I was sat in the car with engine running for all 5mins till my friend joined and then drove off. Today I received a parking fine of 50 euros for pulling over for 5 mins.
    I will just pay the fine and move on .


  48. Sudesh
    21.09.2018 @ 16:46


    I received 3 speeding tickets on a single day driving a rental car on N65.
    The speed limit exceeded in an 80 km/h zone was not by a lot — +10 @1056 am 75 EUR
                                                                                                                     + 7@1057 am    51 EUR
                                                                                                                     +8 @1814 pm     58 EUR.

    So in a span of 1 min I was charged twice.
    Is it possible to appeal against at least one of the speeding ticket ?



    • Ino
      10.11.2018 @ 22:43

      Hi Sudesh,

      Unfortunately there’s no leniency (based on court cases) in multiple fines within a short time span.

      Greetings, Ino


      • ilkay
        12.11.2018 @ 16:05

        I have received 2 tickets in August to the car I rented  in Amsterdam A10 and in Katwijk.
        One is for 89km/h for the limit of 80km/h and the other one is 54km/h for limit of 50km/h with corrections.
        Total fine is 93 euros and I am already charged 90 euros for admin fees.
        I havent received a single speeding ticket in the past 15 years, I have driven all over Europe. I  am planning to appeal. I am from Turkey. Would it worth the effort to appeal ?


        • Ino
          29.12.2018 @ 21:44

          Appealing is possible, but the Netherlands does not work with cancelling fines based on a good driving record. This unfortunately means that an appeal is fairly pointless.

    • Ino
      29.12.2018 @ 21:46

      Dear Sudesh,

      In the Netherlands you can get a ticket for each instance, which means that the chance that it’ll be revoked on appeal is small.

      Greetings, Ino


  49. Artur
    03.09.2018 @ 16:55

    I got 291€ to pay for exceeding speed limit by 27 kmh in 50 zone, so it was 77 at 04:40 in the morning and this amount is outside the numbers in the table. Camera warning to Flitsmeister was added at end of August so about 2 weeks later.. City Baarn.


  50. Gerrard
    09.08.2018 @ 23:24

    I recently got caught at 186kph on the motorway in Holland (130kph speed limit) and received a court summons. I accept I was speeding but do not want to attend the hearing, I live in the UK. I was told by a Dutch lawyer I do not need to attend and the fine will be sent to me through the post. Is this correct?
    Thanks – Gerrard


    • Ino
      17.08.2018 @ 23:24

      You have the legal right not to attend the hearing. The judge will then decide on a punishment after the prosecutor has asked for a certain sentence. Depending on the road condition and the amount of traffic on the road, the fine will be decided (first offense, no specific safety issues will lead to about EUR 10 per km/h. They will probably also witdraw your license (in NL) for a minimum period of two months.


      • Arik
        31.10.2018 @ 18:01

        Dont pay them 1 cent
        Good luck


    • Mo hamid
      31.12.2018 @ 02:47

      What was your outcome? Did you attend and how much did you get fined?


  51. SS
    24.07.2018 @ 01:57


    I was pulled over by the police last week for going 70+ in a 100km/h zone. I thought it was a 130km/h zone and when I asked the police to show me the video he asked if he was lying. I have never received a speeding ticket before. Does anyone now what will happen? I also told him I did not see a 100km/h sign board and that there were no lights on the road at night and that also a lot of cars crossed me?



    • Ino
      17.08.2018 @ 23:20

      Hi, do you remember the exact location? And what country are you from? Usually, you’ll just receive the fine at your home address. If you were driving 170 in a 100 the police legally has to rescind your license, which is at a minimum of two months now. So if that didn’t happen, you might not have gotten a fine?


      • Peter
        22.07.2019 @ 20:36

        Could you let me know the follow up on this story. What happened after – did you ever receive a fine?? I am curious because something similar happened to me today.


      • Peter
        23.07.2019 @ 09:35

        This happened last year I see. Do you have an update on what actually happened? Was there a fine and how big was it in the end? You would really be helping me out with a reply because something similar happened to me this week and I am really worried for the outcome.


  52. Lex
    26.06.2018 @ 03:34

    Just travelled  back to the Netherlands from Canada.

    Received one speeding ticket in 2015 for 7 KM/H over on the highway.

    It alerted the police while they checked my passport. They pulled me aside at immigration and made me pay the fine from 3 years ago.


    • Ceapa
      27.07.2018 @ 14:42

      So , how much it was the fine after 3 years? I have also a ticket to pay from 2 years ago and im worried , maybe its ten times more.


      • Debbie McNair
        05.09.2018 @ 20:39

        HA –  received the same ticket today  – just back to Canada and received a  7km over in an 80 – but they take away 4km so you are 3km over ?   how bizarre –  sounds like a cash grab…..  Imagine that here in Toronto area – where doing 130KM on a 100KM 401 series highway is normal  –  our provincal government might have a surplus of cash …if everybody paid the fines


  53. Brenda
    21.06.2018 @ 22:24

    I have lived in the Netherlands for about 5 years.
    I never deregistered at the Geemente of the city I lived in.
    I now live in Romania which is part of the EU.
    My brother and father came to visit and they gathered quite an amount of both parking tickets and speeding tickets with my car, and unfortunately they are all on my name now.
    I believe it all totals to about 3-4000 EUR + unpaid taxes.
    In addition I have also had a lawsuit with Essent (which I lost), when I sued them because of a VERY high cost of 3000 euros, when they adjusted my bills for the previous year, given that there was no leakage whatsoever, and there were only 3 people living in that house, and we always paid our bills in due time.

    What could be the consequence? Would the Dutch Government pursue me where I currently am???
    And should I decide to return to the Netherlands, would they arrest me? Even if I contact the government and ask to pay the fines in installments?

    Thank you.


    • Ino
      17.08.2018 @ 23:31

      Considering the amount, they can try to pursue the case in Romania. The amount is of course outrageous and proves a blatant disregard for the law and the relationship with you. I would strongly recommend against completely ignoring the tickets, as a return to the Netherlands might lead to you being caught (based on car or your name). If you go past two time limits on paying the fine, the fine triples. That could have a severe effect on you, of course. The website of the governmental collection agency is partly in Romanian ( You can contact them to ask provide in a payment schedule.


  54. Mo Hamid
    15.05.2018 @ 20:51

    Hi, Im from the UK and I went on a trip to Holland in January and rented a car. Through the rental company, i received 4 speeding tickets through email, and they charged me a administrative fee for each one. In the emails it said i will contacted by the relevant authority. Recently in April I received two letters regarding the fine. One was around €98 and another around €200. However, both letters are completely written in Dutch apart from a small paragraph at the back which is in English explaining how much and how long i have to pay it. However the main information is in dutch.

    Do you think I should not pay the fine, pay it or appeal it? By EU law, it says the letter should be written in the language of the state the offenders from.


    • Ino
      16.05.2018 @ 18:24

      You should request a full translation, which is your legal right. Did the rental company not already charge you the fines as well? You shouldn’t ignore it, since they can transfer the fine to the UK collection system. If you don’t pay, the car will be put in the ANPR system, which means you can be pulled over having to pay the fine plus additional (high) fees. The rental company as the license plate holder is in the end responsible for actions with the car (which means that they’ll track you down if you don’t pay).


      • Mo Hamid
        20.05.2018 @ 22:31

        The rental company didnt charge me for the fine, but charged me 25 euros for the administrative related fees for transferring my details to the relevant authority. Since the UK is coming of EU, would it still apply and can they still transfer to UK collection system.

        Meanwhile I will try to request for a translation. But i have a right not to pay because its in dutch? < would that be a strong case for me.


    • Alex
      15.06.2018 @ 17:29

      You probably need to correct your table above, namely the comment “1) The speed is the speed after a correction is applied, see below”. It looks like it is before correction. I am from Canada, was travelling in Netherlands in May, and received 2 “trajectcontrole” tickets, 33 euro each, for 4km/h over the 80km/h limit. They say actual measured speed was 87km/h, and then applied 3km/h deduction.


  55. Mark Mark
    02.05.2018 @ 21:51

    Got a number of speeding tickets when I went to Netherlands in January, Came back to the UK and got two speeding fine letters for two of the fines earlier in April. However, Both letter is written in Dutch, and I can understand a thing.

    What should I do from here? Shall I leave it and not pay or pay the fine, or appeal?

    By law it says the any letter of fines or prosecution has to be written in the language of the offenders state. Furthermore, it says on their website, if you dont pay, they will send out several reminder letter with increased fines. If you still dont pay, they will try to transfer the case to the UK. If that doesnt work, then you will be refused entry if you try to enter holland again!!


    • Ino
      16.05.2018 @ 18:16

      Request for a translation, which is your legal right. You shouldn’t ignore it, since they can transfer the fine to the UK collection system. If you don’t pay, the car will be put in the ANPR system, which means you can be pulled over having to pay the fine plus additional (high) fees.


  56. lucio
    26.04.2018 @ 22:15

    Hi ,

    I live in the netherlands and today I was stopped by the police , 50 km h limit , I was going 90 km h .
    Not clear what I should expect , fine for sure ….but what about my licence ? first offence I was told only a fine .
    Do I have to appear in court ? what is going to happen with my driving licence?



    • Ino
      16.05.2018 @ 17:59

      Speeding over 30 km/h in built-up areas is excessive, which means you’ll get a star on your license. If you get the second within two years, then they can confiscate your license. For first offense it’s usually just a fine, determined by the prosecutor’s office (at about €10 per km/h).


  57. Khasham zaman
    01.03.2018 @ 18:05

    I am pakistani national but have UK driving licence, was renting a car from enterprise company from netherland and got three speeding fines and its alot in price around 1200 euro
    I am returning back to Pakistan next month permanently.
    What happen if i dont pay the fine, how will they chase me.


    • KM
      20.03.2018 @ 14:05

      If they know your bank account etc., they may perhaps try to force the bank to make you pay. However, if they don’t know any other details, it seems unlikely they can go much further if you block your bank account and get a new one. Also, it is unwise to speed in the Netherlands, don’t do it, and really, you may be young and not so worried about it, but don’t do it in general, especially not in cities where there are a lot of people living there.


      • Potocki
        16.05.2018 @ 18:40

        We are not young any  more (unfortunately) and we are speeding and we will be speeding. Our fathers were speeding, our grandfathers were speeding so are people nowadays in most countries of the world. They have worse roads, they have worse cars and they are speeding and they survive (99%). It’s some countries where the welfare and comfort of life is so high that they decided they will stop people speeding because they believe many people die in road accidents and by stoping the speeding they can make people live forever. The facts are that the chances of somebody dying in a road accident during his/her life in Europe are on average below 1% and in the US around 1%. You(we all) more probably will die of cancer or cardiovascular problems than road accidents. In some European contries even more people commit suicide than die on the road. And no country has ever make it to stop road fatalites (probably except Vatican City due to lack of real traffic ;-). And many countries made it people stop driving fast and stop enjoying driving….


    • Potocki
      16.05.2018 @ 18:30

      Don’t worry guy! Relax. The probability Dutch police will have any influence on your Pakistani bank account is probably lower than seeing them coming after you to Pakistan ;-). The only thing that may happen is the court issues some warrant that will enable them to stop you if you are back in Netherlands.  If you are not planning to come back within a few years there you are safe and sound.


  58. shif
    27.02.2018 @ 13:52

    I just received a letter from the court to appear in court regarding a speeding fine of +40km above limit. I had objected to the initial fine of 500 euros and therefore this has come in. Do you think I should just pay this and not go thru the hassle of going to court if the chances are slim of winning the case ? Look for advice,


    • KM
      20.03.2018 @ 13:59

      In general, it is better to pay in these kind of cases. If I have to make an estimation, it is not going to get you anywhere better if you do go to court. If you do not have any real, genuine reasons, it is better to pay the fine.


      • KM
        20.03.2018 @ 14:01

        Also, I don’t know if there is still a chance right now to reject going to court for you and just pay? If there is, do pay the fine, it really is the better option I think.


  59. Annays
    25.02.2018 @ 05:31

    Hey, i really have a problem ! I was driving A4 , speed limit was 130km/h , civil car take a pic of my back side from the car , and then come close to me and show me a”ipad” saying the is was POLICE , RED SCREEN ON THE TABLET ! He dont stop me , he just continuuie he s way . Can please somebody  tell what was that ( plate nr was from another country ) I was driving 125 maybe


    • KM
      20.03.2018 @ 13:58

      I have personally had something similar happen to me. If they did not stop you, it may have been meant for another person, not for you. That person may have been stopped by them later on.


  60. Danny Sung
    02.02.2018 @ 12:11

    I just got a letter from CJIB confirming whether I was the driver. 70km over speed and was told the fine will be severe. the car was a rental car and Netherlands was my first visit. What would happen if I don’t pay the fine? I live in South Korea so not sure how to handle this matter. Please help.


    • Robert
      14.02.2018 @ 16:51

      The next time you enter the country you will  lose your drivers license, or your fine will be even more severe ( Probably in the range of €1000+). I would advice you to pay the bill.


      • Arik
        31.10.2018 @ 18:04

        Dont pay a cent


        • Danny Sung
          05.02.2020 @ 05:39

          Why do you think I should not pay a cent?
          Is’t it risky in the end?
          Increased fines and refusal at the Holland border?

    • Ino
      17.02.2018 @ 02:14

      For regular speeding offenses they don’t even ask who’s the driver as the car’s owner is responsible. Because this is a severe infraction, they’ll look at your driving record of the last two years. You’ll receive a fine, probably 700-800 euros (usually around 10 euros per km/h). If conditions were exceptionally dangerous, it’ll be even higher. If you don’t pay, the rental company will come after you as they are liable (they usually take it from your credit card automatically anyway).


      • Alan
        20.02.2018 @ 16:51

        Are you sure the rental car company comes after you? I think this is wrong. The rental car company charges a fee to turn over your information and the rental car company is no longer liable.

        I’m not paying two tickets I just received, and I doubt they really catch you at the airport although one poster below says they made him pay at the airport. I find that hard to believe that passport control would worry about speeding tickets. I find it harder to believe they would jail you. Fearmongering.


        • craig
          05.03.2018 @ 14:15

          100 percent they will catch you at the airport. It all depends if they scan your passport. I’ve been caught for a parking ticket, never mid a speeding ticket. Best thing is to pay ASAP or the fine increases as time goes on.

    • Potocki
      15.03.2018 @ 16:22

      Are you planning to return to Netherlands? If not, DO NOT PAY THE TICKET, call the bank and restrict your credit card (say, you lost it), DO NOT REPLY for letters from Dutch police or car rental company, live happily ever after! If you are working in Netherlands or you need to come back you should ask a lawyer or somebody who knows local regulations. Maybe it’s good to say that it was somebody else driving (the person who DOES NOT PLAN TO COME BACK TO NETHERLANDS EVER, or hasn’t even been there)… Maybe if you do not land on Dutch airport (come through Brussles or Paris) and you do not drive in Netherlands nobody will catch you… You need expertise from somebody local if you are planning to visit Netherlands again.


      • Danny Sung
        05.02.2020 @ 05:30

        Sorry for the late reply. I have totally forgotten about this issue until recently where I got the letter of Summons from Holland to appeal on Feb 19, 2020.
        I even spoke with the prosecutor who is handling my case about the consequences for not paying the fine and was told that the fine would then be increased.
        You mentioned that I can ignore the court appeal and fine if I am not revisiting the Holland again. Can you confirm this is true statement?
        Should I block my credit card now before agency starts to chase the fine from me?
        Would Holland authorities chase the fine with Korea or Australia where I came from?
        Your advice would be appreciated. Thanks.


    • Morten
      01.05.2021 @ 09:31

      the fine is approx 10 EUR for each km/h in excess .
      Of course it is nice if you pay, but NL cannot force you in S-Korea.
      HOWEVER: there is the institute of the “Schiphol-boete”: if you come to NL, you can be stopped at the airport/passport control, and asked to pay the outstanding fine ( plus evtl surcharge ).


  61. shawn
    19.01.2018 @ 10:27

    Just received 2 traffic fine of €369 and €118 for overspeed where roadwork sign indicates temporary speed limit of 90km/h. However, I was driving at 20:00 and 17:00 when there was nobody and nothing working on the roadwork. Does that temporary speed limit still valid (is it valid anytime 24hours in a day) ? Is there any chance they withdraw the fine if I send my disagreement letter ? thx!


    • Ino
      22.01.2018 @ 20:16

      Can you give the exact location? Generally speed checks at roadworks are only done when there is actual work being done. However, when the road has other limitations (e.g. lane closures) checks can be outside of that time as well.


  62. Mast
    17.01.2018 @ 08:15

    Hi peeps I live in Germany and just received 2 speed camera fines from the Netherlands. I was driving a rented car. Is there a chance I can receive a reduction? And what are the risks for not paying?


    • Ino
      28.01.2018 @ 19:09

      If it was a fair ticket, pay. If it wasn’t, it’s easy to do an administrative appeal. There’s no reduction for fast payment in NL. Was it a rental car from Germany? Then the company will receive the risen fine (it gets really expensive), and pay it in the end (because when another renter drives with that car to NL, it’ll be pulled over). In NL the owner of the car is liable for the tickets, so them sending it to you is just a service.


  63. Mus68
    14.01.2018 @ 00:32

    Hi any Boyd can help I got speeding ticket from Netherlands police officer had to take my license what will happen to me they send me a letter court date .28 January  what will happen any help ….thank you


    • Ino
      22.01.2018 @ 20:14

      Was it a speeding offence? The minimum period of it being suspended is now generally 2 months. The judge will take a definitive decision.


  64. Pauline Feeney
    30.12.2017 @ 12:07

    Does anyone know whether the owner of the car is liable for the fine even if they were not driving or even present
    ( the car was originally lent but then then the borrower refused to return it and incurred numerous parking and speeding fines)


    • Ino
      22.01.2018 @ 20:13

      Yes, the owner of the car is liable for the tickets.


  65. Pupalek
    09.12.2017 @ 02:00

    I have diffrent question can netherland goverment block my bank account if i not pay a ticket, now i leave in germany but i use netherlad account after cash transfer on my account i spend just 60€ and now i see ” your bank cancel your cash withdraw request ” when i try to withdraw money


  66. David Kitcher
    09.11.2017 @ 16:59

    I was fined 1100 euros for doing 110 in a 50 in the Hague,  I went to court thinking they may give me less, I was stunned when they fined me 1100, is it worth appealing.?l


    • Ino
      18.11.2017 @ 23:56

      They’re quite probably not gonna give you less to pay. You might have had a change at that with a good story with a more minor speeding offence, but you can probably call yourself lucky since it wasn’t a traffic stop in this instance. If the speeding offence led to direct danger the police is allowed to impound your car. If you speed >50km/h the police is legally obliged to take your license for a minimum period of two months.


  67. Raffaele Capuano
    05.09.2017 @ 19:59

    Hi all.

    Just got two speeding fines in Heerlen (NL) through mobile set speed cameras. They were both on a road outside inner city (speed limit 100 km/h). The worst part is that I took two of them within 3.5 km of distance on the same road (one at km 25.2 and the second at km 28.7).
    My question is (since I am italian and, as far as I know,  in Italy it is forbidden for the police to give you two tickets on the same road within less than 20 km): can I request an appeal and ask for at least one cancellation?

    Thank you in advance!


    • Ino
      20.09.2017 @ 22:36

      It is not illegal to set up these traps. They quite often set up multiple checks when it’s in an area with many accidents, since they don’t have mobile checks over a distance.


      • Tom
        15.08.2018 @ 22:50

        Very late respons, but actually yes you can appeal and one of them will probably be cancelled. There is a rule you cannot be punished for the same offense twice and the checks so close together could be argued upon “being the same offense”


  68. Janeks
    31.08.2017 @ 19:36

    What is the penalty if in place where was 55km/h i drive 88km/h got letter. What will happen next?


    • Ino
      20.09.2017 @ 22:34

      Hi, a 55 limit does not exist. In a 50 the fine for driving 88 is about 350 euros.


  69. Jamie Black
    16.08.2017 @ 22:42

    I’ve just had to pay €768 at Rotterdam airport for a speeding fine from 2015 that I wasn’t aware of. Is there any way to get this reduced, or is there no hope?


    • Ino
      19.08.2017 @ 17:53

      There very likely is no hope. Any legal actions are too late, which means that the fine ended up to be the initial one + a number of additions to the original amount.


    • Alan
      20.02.2018 @ 16:55

      What were the circumstances under which they made you pay? After swiping your passport? What is your nationality? Did they threaten you with jail if you failed to pay? Did you tell them you couldn’t pay?


  70. Stupid Dutchies
    16.05.2017 @ 18:25

    Damn, so much traject controlle on the main roads.

    Does the speed camera always come with a warning sign ? I saw some warning side before cameras but i can’t help to worry if i got caught by surprise or not.

    I know for sure in Antwerpen ring i saw a white box at the last moment without sign and just had time to brake.


    • Ino
      22.05.2017 @ 19:23

      The set distance traps always have a very clear indication ( Eleven are currently active.

      The rest is sometimes indicated (at least they have reflective striping on them). A lot of speed cameras have been removed in the last years, because they didn’t contribute to safety. The ones that are left, are usually at crossings or tight roads where speeding has led to a lot of accidents.

      On the ring in Antwerpen they have a lot of cameras, mainly in the direction of the Netherlands. They often won’t work, though.


    • Morten
      01.05.2021 @ 09:25

      “Does the speed camera always come with a warning sign ? ”

      YEs, it actually they do.
      Before the cameras there are some misterious boards put on the side of the road.
      These boards are made of aluminium, have a round shape, they are white with a red edge, and there stands a miraculos number in the middle of them 🙂


  71. Pat
    08.04.2017 @ 22:16

    If it is a uk register car can you get a fine from a speed camera?


    • Ino
      24.04.2017 @ 11:16

      There’s no agreement between NL and UK to exchange the registrations so that the fines can be issued automatically. It will depend on the severity of the infraction, whether they will try to send it.


    • pres
      13.12.2017 @ 18:35

      Been driving UK reg cars in Netherlands for 20 years. Often, like every month. Very fast too. Never received anything. Same from other countries. Nothing. 20 years.


  72. Dallas bolen
    08.04.2017 @ 16:29

    What happens if I don’t pay when I’m American, got tickets in Netherlands, don’t plan on coming back?


    • Ino
      24.04.2017 @ 11:18

      The change of you finding problems with it, is not very big as long as you don’t come back. It’s risky though. In the event that you ever come back, there’s a change you’ll have to pay thousands at the border.


      • need4speed
        12.12.2017 @ 15:16

        There really is no need for fear mongering like this, they would have to prove that ‘John Smith’ who got caught speeding is the same ‘John Smith’ who is at the border. Highly highly unlikely, especially as there is no international database of licences and speeding fines..


  73. Steve Williams
    17.03.2017 @ 18:13

    Does anyone how soon they send out speeding fines in the post? I’d been working in the Netherlands for a contracting company and I was getting caught by the same camera over and over again.  Instead the company I was working for telling me straight away they left it two months. How soon would they have been aware of the speeding fines?


    • Ino
      24.04.2017 @ 11:19

      Most cameras are modern and the fines will arrive within a few days.


  74. massara alain
    16.02.2017 @ 08:54

    i got fines for speed in ne the netherlands  . i do not how i can pay them .
    can you please help me with this
    you think i will have problems when i arrive from Usa to Europe .


  75. massara alain
    16.02.2017 @ 08:47

    please can some one send me the Excel  my mail is /


  76. Brian
    30.11.2016 @ 13:21

    Does anyone know if there is a time limit before you are contacted by the Dutch authorities re a traffic offence? I was told today 2 1/2 months after the offence vie Hertz.


    • Ino
      06.02.2017 @ 13:44

      In rental cars it may take up to eight months for you to arrive the ticket. And even if it takes longer it can be excused.


  77. Joe Carpenter
    21.10.2016 @ 00:53

    Can someone give me some advice on legal representation for camera speeding tickets in the Netherlands? I’ve gotten 4 (so far) of them totaling almost $1,000 and want to know if I have any chance of fighting this from here in the US.

    Thank you,


    • Vik
      02.03.2017 @ 09:20

      No chance and if you are arriving in Amsterdam you will be fined double if  can’t pay,you will be jailed. .


      • pres
        13.12.2017 @ 18:41

        VIK, Wrong. Don’t spread fear.
        Do they even know his name? Were the fines not taken from his credit card that he rented the car from? Do they only have his licence plate number from his car? was he driving, of you VIK? Or do their magical cameras look into his wallet in his back pocket and read his name?
        Fined double and jailed?
        VIK is a Troll.


  78. pietro faggiani
    10.10.2016 @ 11:34

    I received a ticket last week. By checking the picture on the website of the cjib I saw that there is a car right next to me. I am wondering how can they know who was speeding. Does anyone know if I can object the ticket ?


    • Sergio
      25.04.2017 @ 18:11

      On a highway they have one camera for each lane, so it only flashes vehicles travelling on its specific lane. You probably can’t object.


  79. Robert
    03.08.2016 @ 03:11

    I Dont know about these tables or formulas but when i rented a car from Europcar and got 2 fines from CIJB it was the following:
    At a limit of 100km/h i was going with 108km/h – 4km/h tolerance.  So for 4 km/h above the limit i paid 130Eur
    The second was at a limit of 50km/h i was going with 56km/h – 4km/h tolerance so for a 2km/h above the limit i paid 70 Eur.

    Something does not make sense.


  80. GvG
    21.01.2016 @ 22:54

    +20kmh in a 30 zone = €250
    +7 = €73

    The other rates have also gone up (see my other comment in the Europe-wide section). Let me know if you want a full breakdown and I’ll mail you an Excel.
    Source: (official government website)

    I’d suggest standardization of the tables here and those in the Europe-wide section. Now it’s +20kmh here and +21kmh there. So it’s more work to find out and maintain.


    • SpeedingEurope Team
      23.02.2016 @ 00:33

      Yes, please mail me the Excel 🙂
      And your thoughts on 21 vs. 20 might be a good idea. The original web version had it like this but then I discovered that different countries had different rules and then I had to be precise …
      Thx for the input, I think I will change it back 🙂


    • Viola Hricková
      25.03.2016 @ 17:50

      please, could you send me the Excel?
      My email is
      Thank you very much


    • Danny
      05.02.2020 @ 05:48

      Yes, please email me the excel.


  81. Louis Mason
    30.07.2015 @ 17:42

    Paying a fine from the UK will also cost you a bob or two. The collection agency are careful not to allow payment by credit card or cheque so it’s by money transfer only. Even with a UK euro account I had to pay €55 for the pleasure of paying a €100 fine to the CJIB.


  82. raanan eliaz
    10.07.2015 @ 09:23


    How can i get a copy of traffic ticket from the netherlands?


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